The political scandal sheets are reporting a kerfuffle between VP Kamala and the Biden clan. Spinmaster Jen Psaki commented about the rumors at the daily White House propaganda trough on Monday. “The president relies on the vice president for her advice, for her counsel,” Psaki said when asked if Biden has confidence in Harris. Let’s remember how very unpopular Kamala was during her short run as a presidential candidate. She’s there because she checks boxes as a woman and as someone who is not white. Biden promised that he would chose a running mate who met superficial requirements, not ability, merit or skill. Is it any surprise she is treated like a trinket or show pony now?

CNN, one of the corporate propaganda arms of the Democrats described “exasperation and dysfunction” in the VP’s office. On Sunday, corporate propagandist Politico wrote about who Biden’s replacement might be in 2024. Politico writes, “Typically, the person at the other side of that bridge would be the vice president. But less than a year into her time in the executive branch, more than a dozen Democratic officials — some affiliated with potential candidates — say that Harris is currently not scaring any prospective opponents.”

A New Hampshire political operative told Politico, “She’s definitely not going to clear the f—ing field.”

Kamala’s people argue she’s been set up to fail based on the portfolios she’s been assigned: voting rights and illegal immigration. Well boohoo, are you ready for prime time or not? These are both serious and legitimate issues, why can’t she handle them? Psaki told the WH press corp yesterday that Kamala is “not looking for a cushy role” as vice president. It sure sounds like she is. Kamala’s office fired back against the bad press by leaking that Biden’s office is racist. One former aide to Harris explained the “specific energy that the White House brings to defend a white man, knowing that Kamala Harris has spent almost a year taking lots of the hits that the West Wing didn’t want to take themselves.” That white man, is none other than Secretary Mayor Pete.

The icing on the cake is that Kamala is less popular than Biden with only 28 percent job approval compared to a dismal 38 percent for Biden. Good luck in 2024 Kamala!

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