Please Stop Trusting Anything The Mainstream Media ‘Report’

America’s mainstream, or legacy, media have an agenda. It’s not to subjectively report the truth but to further leftist ideas and policies, all of which are toxic. The press’ disinformation campaign to prop up critical race theory is yet another example of its effort to deceive, manipulate, and divide on behalf of the party it is constantly shilling for.

A new study from the American Enterprise Institute found the media focus on schools teaching the history of slavery and racism, and largely ignore the “bedrock assumptions of CRT, including its explicit rejection of rationality and objectivity.”

AEI’s Frederick M. Hess “examined all news accounts addressing CRT published over a one-year period by four major newspapers (the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today),” and several “influential education press outlets.” All are news accounts. None are opinion pieces.

“Given that this admittedly revolutionary worldview is what motivates many objections to CRT-influenced pedagogy, one would expect news accounts to routinely address it,” Hess writes in “Media’s Misleading Portrayal of the Fight over Critical Race Theory.”

“Remarkably, however, CRT’s guiding assumptions were rarely mentioned in mainstream media or education press news accounts.”

Continues Hess:

Only a tiny sliver of news accounts even mentioned the substantive concerns about CRT or sought to explore the actual tensions. This is a grave disservice to parents, communities, and educators interested in finding productive ways to debate these heated issues.

Media bias has also infected coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, which is now in the jury deliberation stage. The bias has been so severe that several on the left are “now willing to admit they were duped” by the press’ Rittenhouse reporting, says Legal Insurrection.

At least one woman who describes herself as “highly educated and reasonably perceptive” tweeted less than a week ago that “it was only today that I learned the Kyle Rittenhouse victims were white.”

“My progressive bubble made this seem like a very different case than it is.”

This “highly educated and reasonably perceptive” woman also noted that “all my friends/family” are progressives and only “recently woke up to their hypocrisy and msm BS.”

“If you hear someone called a white supremacist enough times, you believe it,” she said.

She suggested questioning “everything you’ve been told.” It’s a healthy skepticism that has been keeping her “very, very busy of late.”

Mainstream “journalists” have been busy, too, trying their best to bury their years of distorted Russia, Russia, Russia reporting. The narrative that Donald Trump and Russia conspired to throw the 2016 election to the Republican is quickly coming unwound.

“A reckoning is hitting news organizations for years-old coverage of the 2017 Steele dossier, after the document’s primary source was charged with lying to the FBI,” Axios, the news outlet founded by former Politico hands – meaning it’s on the opposite side of the spectrum from Fox News – reported Sunday.

“It’s one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history, and the media’s response to its own mistakes has so far been tepid.”

To its (partial) credit, the Washington Post has published corrections to two of its Russia, Russia, Russia stories, one of them from 2017, the other 2019. It also removed parts from both.

In recognizing that its “decision to edit and repost” the stories “is highly unusual in the news industry,” the Post conceded the enormity of the mistake. (Why is it that media “errors” seem to always benefit Democrats and harm Republicans?)

“It’s rare for a publication to make wholesale changes after publication and to republish the edited story,” said Post media reporter Paul Farhi, “especially more than four years afterward.”

The media need to wake up to the fact that the public’s confidence in their reporting is in a free fall. Our I&I/TIPP poll shows that trust in the traditional press has declined 16% over the past eight months. More than half (54%) of respondents say have they little or “no trust at all” in the traditional media, while only 38% said they had either a lot or “quite a bit” of trust.

Maybe we can rely on the New York Times food section, or the fashion reporters at the Los Angeles Times, or possibly those who cover the automobile industry to give us the straight story without bias.

But then again, we know politics and wokeness has slipped, no, stampeded, into every corner of today’s newsrooms. We are constantly being told what we can and cannot eat, what is acceptable for us to wear and what isn’t, and badgered about our transportation choices. It’s no coincidence that nonstop media hectoring about how we think and how we conduct our lives is consistent with promoting Democrat/leftist/progressive policies and plans.

Our hope is that we’re nearing rock bottom, if not already there, and a new day of objective journalism is at hand. If not, our country and our world are just going to grow darker.

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