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November 2021

The Danger to the International Community of the Two-State Solution Why it will only continue to fuel conflict. Dr. Shmuel Katz


The conflict in the Middle East between some Arab states and the State of Israel did not start yesterday. Unfortunately, people who are not familiar with the reality on the ground may think that there are easy solutions to the conflict.

One of the superficial ideas which was offered to solve the problem was to create two states for two peoples. Unfortunately, drawing these lines in the sand did not solve the problems, and in fact this solution has already failed in the past because it did not address the core problems that are at the heart of the conflict. They did not address seriously, for example, radical Islamic fanaticism, self-serving power trips, financial corruption, or fearful self-preservation of evil leaders.

The Ottoman Empire, which controlled the Middle East for about 400 years, crumbled during World War I, and the League of Nations created the British and the French mandates, which oversaw the transfer of the land in the Middle East to their rightful owners.

The territory that came under the Mandate of the British included the Land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria), the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people, which had been renamed “Palestina” by Roman invaders about 2,000 years earlier.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration, and the legally binding ruling by the international community at the 1920 San Remo conference, recognized the historical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland; there was a recommendation to help the Jewish people settle in their ancestral homeland, and at the same time to respect the human rights of all local inhabitants in the land of Israel.

What to Make of Durham’s Latest Indictment By Andrew C. McCarthy


For the next few days, expect the new Washington parlor game to be identifying the Democratic Party operative who was allegedly a source for Igor Danchenko’s dossier claims.

J ustice Department special counsel John Durham has indicted Igor Danchenko, the principal sub-source for the discredited “Steele dossier,” which was relied on by the FBI to obtain surveillance warrants in its investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign.

Durham alleges that Danchenko falsely denied to the FBI that some of the information he supplied for the dossier came from a long-time Democratic Party operative who is not identified by name in the indictment.

Moreover, Danchenko is also alleged to have falsely claimed that he had been told of a well-developed “conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and Kremlin officials by a man identified in the indictment as president of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce.

In Ball of Collusion, my 2019 book on the Trump-Russia collusion narrative, I summarized media reports fingering Sergey Millian, who founded this portentous-sounding but sketchy “Chamber.” I pointed out that Millian did not appear to have the kind of relationship with Donald Trump that he would know of such a “conspiracy of cooperation” if it were true, and that Steele himself had confided in friends that he worried Millian was an unreliable “big talker.”

If Durham’s allegations are borne out, it would mean that Millian was not talking at all — at least on this subject. Danchenko was making it up, according to the indictment.

The latest Durham indictment is a big one By Andrea Widburg


The Democrats’ nefarious Russia hoax, which sucked time, life, and political capital out of the Trump presidency, is really getting exposed. With the arrest of Igor Danchenko and the release of the indictment behind the arrest, we’re finally getting a chance to see that the Russia hoax was a fraud from beginning to end and that it reached the highest echelons of Hillary Clinton’s circles.

The Russia hoax, which the Dems unleashed in 2016 and that exploded on the scene with the “pee-pee tape” allegations when Buzzfeed published the Steele Dossier shortly before Trump’s inauguration, dominated much of Trump’s presidency. Trump’s supporters knew it was untrue but it was extremely difficult to unravel the details to prove the lie (although Dan Bongino’s daily podcast did a superb job).

Even getting a primer on the lies didn’t help identify the real culprits. We knew that the FBI, the Department of Justice, the State Department, and various specific individuals in the government were involved, especially because it gave them the means to spy on everyone close to Trump, but there was no single culprit behind it. This inchoate mass of accusations and wrongdoers meant that, even as Trump took extraordinary steps to improve America’s national security, national sovereignty, and the economy, the Democrats relentlessly smeared him as a traitor, beholden to Putin.

Even after Mueller reluctantly conceded that Trump had not, in fact, colluded with Russia, the Democrats kept up the attack. Only recently, I forget where, some MSNBC talking ahead again accused Trump of colluding with Russia. John Durham’s investigation, meanwhile, was so slow many of us (me included) decided it was as much a hoax as the Russia story. It certainly didn’t help Trump’s reelection efforts.

However, on Wednesday, the feds arrested Igor Danchenko and on Thursday, the indictment against him went public. Techno Fog has a good summary of the indictment.

The Intentional Destabilization of America By Philip Carl Salzman


The attacks on America are not accidental nor the result of ignorance and stupidity. No, the attacks are intentional and strategic. The goal is the transformation of America, which would be made possible by the destruction of America’s core institutions. This intention is stated explicitly by President Biden, who said in August 2021 that his “Build Back Better” bill would transform America. “Today, the House of Representatives has taken a significant step toward making a historic investment that’s going to transform America.”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) described Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill as “transformative and cause for celebration.” In these remarks, Biden and Pelosi were repeating President Obama’s central promise in 2008 that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), member of the progressive caucus in the House of Representatives, explains why America must be transformed: “As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” Omar, a Democrat, said. “So, we cannot stop at [the] criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

What would we say if a foreign country, for example, Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea, carried out the following actions:

Invaded through the American southern border with two million troops.
Stopped fuel production, ending American self-sufficiency, returning America to dependence on Middle Eastern and other countries that hate America, while facilitating Russian fuel domination in Europe.
Burnt and destroyed the downtown commercial sections of almost all American cities.
Defunded and disbanded the police, while releasing criminals from prison and refusing to incarcerate any criminals, leading to a major spike in violent crime. Then, if that were not sufficient, contrary to science, fire large numbers of unvaccinated police, firefighters, emergency medical workers, and hospital workers with natural immunity, the very people who were celebrated as heroes throughout 2020, but are now regarded as criminals.
Granted illegal aliens $450,000 each of taxpayer money for their suffering in not have been received by an honor guard upon their illegal entry.
Flooded the American economy with vast amounts of counterfeit money printed without anything behind it, leading to galloping inflation, a type of regressive tax punishing the poor and middle class. Then use the fake money to pay people to stay home and out of the workforce, leading to the greatest labor crisis in American history.
Claimed that the foundational documents of America, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are null and void, due to, you know, slavery. These are replaced by a regime in which male and white citizens are to be punished for, you know, slavery, and replaced by females and minorities of color (except for Asian Americans, who have disgraced themselves by being too successful).
Required schools to teach that white children are evil oppressors and children of color are forever victims, and likewise, that male children are brutal and toxic, and females are victims. But, schools will teach that there is a way out for toxic males and female victims by transitioning to trans females and trans males, which the schools facilitate secretly, without informing any parents.
Declared that children now belong to the government, and parents have no say in their education. Any parents who speak up about their children’s education are “domestic terrorists” and must be persecuted and suppressed by School Boards, the Department of “Justice,” and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Threatened the Supreme Court with either endorsing far-left agendas, or being canceled by court-packing with far-left justices. Declared the Court is no longer co-equal, but subservient to Congress and the Executive branches.
Abandoned American citizens, residents, and allies in giving up American’s strategic position in Afghanistan.

Epic Fail: L.A. Ports Are More Clogged Now Than Before Biden’s Supply Chain ‘Fix’


President Joe Biden says he’s been addressing supply chain problems “since Day One,” but that’s consisted mainly of appointing task forces and holding summits. His latest bold “action” was to beg G-20 leaders to “help address global supply chain issues.”

The one concrete step Biden has taken was, he said, to get the Los Angeles ports to stay open 24/7, which he announced on Oct. 13. Biden said this has the “potential to be a gamechanger.” A White House fact sheet declared that it “will speed up shipments of goods throughout the country.”

Except, that’s not what’s happened.

In fact, things have gotten worse at those ports, not better, since Biden’s “game changer.”

On Oct. 10, three days before the president’s announcement, there were 60 container ships waiting offshore to get into the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and 27 were at berths unloading or loading cargo, according to the Marine Exchange of Southern California.

This Tuesday, there were 77 container ships waiting, while 25 were berthed.

Nuclear Power Is the Best Climate-Change Solution by Far Its total greenhouse-gas emissions are 1/700th those of coal—and one-fourth those of solar. By Andrew I. Fillat and Henry I. Miller


Politics seems to have become inimical to critical thinking, and nowhere is this more obvious than climate change. Politicians peddle apocalypse and demand that Americans accept skyrocketing gasoline and home heating costs, rolling blackouts and brownouts, endless subsidies for uneconomic vehicles and power generation, and on and on.

Wishful thinking and flawed assumptions are the order of the day. Climate models assume that humans will fail to adapt to changing conditions, instead allowing floodwaters to rise unabated, wildfires to burn, and farms to fail. The U.S. contribution to global greenhouse-gas emissions is substantial but falling. By 2025, it could be 14% to 18% below 2005 levels. The U.S. should not put on a self-destructive show for the rest of the world.

Either for ideology or profit, climate activists promote wind and solar solutions despite the enormous carbon footprint to manufacture them, their intermittent energy production, and the monstrous cost and pollution required to manufacture and dispose of batteries for green backup. But the single greatest sin is the demonization of nuclear power, including the shutdown of existing nuclear plants that remain serviceable. Moreover, significant advances in nuclear power plant design that have improved efficiency and safety have been ignored.

Jacopo Buongiorno, a nuclear-engineering professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has calculated that over the life cycle of power plants, which includes construction, mining, transport, operation, decommissioning and disposal of waste, the greenhouse-gas emissions for nuclear power are 1/700th those of coal, 1/400th of gas, and one-fourth of solar. Nuclear also requires 1/2,000th as much land as wind and around 1/400th as much as solar. For any given power output, the amount of raw material used to build a nuclear plant is a small fraction of an equivalent solar or wind farm. Although nuclear waste is obviously more difficult to dispose of, its volume is 1/10,000th that of solar and 1/500th of wind. This includes abandoned infrastructure and all the toxic substances that end up in landfills. One person’s lifetime use of nuclear power would produce about a half-ounce of waste. Even including the Chernobyl disaster, human mortality from coal is 2,000 to 3,000 times that of nuclear, while oil claims 400 times as many lives.

OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate Overkill The 490-page Biden rule is unnecessary and needlessly divisive.


Covid cases and hospitalization have blessedly plunged since the summer Delta surge as more Americans have been vaccinated or acquired natural immunity.Yet the Biden Administration is still fighting the last virus war, and on Thursday rolled out its worker vaccine mandate, which will likely do more harm than good.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “emergency temporary standard” requires companies with 100 or more employees to mandate that workers get vaccinated, or tested weekly and wear a face mask. Separately, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a vaccine mandate for health-care facilities with no testing option.

President Biden directed the agencies to issue the mandates in September as his polling numbers flagged. Many large employers have already imposed mandates in anticipation of the OSHA rule, which will come into full force on Jan. 4. Many state and local governments have also mandated vaccines and testing for their workers and health-care facilities.

OSHA’s 490-page rule makes some concessions by exempting employees who work outdoors or remotely. Employers also won’t be required to pay for workers’ weekly testing, though OSHA suggests they may have to bargain with unions over this and other things.

“The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA) protects the right of most private-sector employees to take collective action to improve their wages and working conditions,” OSHA says. So unions that oppose the vaccine and testing mandates could go on strike or demand additional remuneration for workers if their employer follows OSHA’s orders.

The mandate comes amid a historically tight labor market and could impel some workers to quit. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey last week, 37% of unvaccinated workers said they would leave if their employer required them to get a vaccine or be tested weekly. A quarter of all adults said they knew someone who has left a job because of a vaccine mandate.

The Demoralization of the American Teacher Shane Trotter Shane Trotter


Ten years ago, I showed up for my first day as a high school teacher. I had landed a job in the best school of what is often called a “destination district.” Still, I knew I was facing an uphill battle. Warnings abounded of an American public school system in decline. But I was undeterred. I had that youthful sense that education needed change and I was just the one to change it.

Throughout that first year I worked incessantly—creating lessons, grading, and making myself available to students an hour before school each day. I ran around the room joking with students, telling stories, creating relevant analogies, and turning pop-culture songs into lesson reviews that I’d sing for the class.

My students looked forward to my energy and I enjoyed their sense of humor. Still, I couldn’t have predicted how unprepared my students would be. They had never taken notes. They were shocked that my test reviews weren’t a list of the questions on the test. They couldn’t understand why I didn’t allow 20 minutes of review before the test, or why a history exam would have sections requiring written responses. In fact, many would just skip the entire short answer and essay sections, despite being given these topics in advance. Those who did respond often wrote single words or incoherent run-ons.

I’d spend entire classes explaining what I wanted to see in the short answer responses. We’d practice writing the “who, what, where, when, and why this concept is important.” But little changed. After their years of schooling in which writing never extended beyond filling in a blank, my expectations were analogous to asking high schoolers to solve algebraic equations when they had not yet learned to multiply and divide. They were capable, but it was going to take a lot of effort to fill in the gaps. Which raises the question, why would a student be willing to put in that much work?

I was fighting the overwhelming tide of a system intent upon handing over diplomas. Over half of my students would have failed if I gave them the grade they earned. But the unwritten, yet well-communicated, rule was that teachers should never fail a student if it could be helped. The onus was on the teacher to hound students for late assignments and find a way to bump them to a C.

As much as I wanted to fight every battle, I eventually caved to the exhaustion of a demanding Texas high school coaching schedule (which seemed to be the job I was really hired for). I compromised more times than I would have ever thought possible. I eliminated homework, allowed test retakes, gave fill-in-the-blank notes, graded essays at a 5th grade level, gave test reviews that were basically the test, and intentionally made tests easy. When there were still too many students failing at the end of a grading period, I went above and beyond to manufacture easy routes to a passing grade so that only a handful of incomprehensibly effort-averse students failed.

Manchin and Sinema: Cassandras of the Senate The two moderate Democrats saw Tuesday’s crisis coming By Stephen L. Miller


Tuesday was a very bad night for the Democratic Party. They lost the Virginia governorship and House of Delegates, almost lost the New Jersey governorship, and lost several local school board seats in crucial electoral states such as Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Colorado.

Blue states that kept schools closed or mostly shuttered for the duration of the pandemic now play host to legions of angry, fed-up parents. Nationally, Joe Biden’s approval ratings are crashing harder than Hunter Biden after a stint at the Chateau Marmont, and his domestic agenda is stalled in Congress, thanks to two Democratic senators who clearly saw the writing on the wall and the red wave coming: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

“I’ve been saying this for many, many months, people have concerns, people are concerned,” Manchin told reporters on Wednesday. “You can read so much into all of that last night. I think it should be a call to all of us have to be more attentive to the people back home.”

After Biden surveyed the wreckage in Virginia, he urged his party to hit the gas pedal on passing the infrastructure and Build Back Better bills, suggesting that perhaps the failure to pass the acts affected the outcome of the Virginia governor’s race. This is a typical trick, one he learned from his old boss: if people don’t like the agenda, it must be because there isn’t enough of it.

But Manchin and Sinema are in the right here. They have navigated the negotiations patiently and deftly, perhaps aware of what happened to their party the last time an enormous unpopular package was rammed through Congress by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Obamacare was passed in 2010, but four years later the Democrats were still paying the price for its unpopularity. The 2014 midterm swing was the largest transfer of congressional power since World War Two. 2022 looks to not only be a repeat, but worse, even at local levels where the core of the Democratic Party power structure is in danger: teachers’ unions.

Let’s hear it for Winsome Sears Virginia’s new lieutenant governor is the first woman of color and naturalized citizen ever elected statewide John Fund


Of all the improbable outcomes in this week’s elections, a couple struck me as worthy of a Hollywood movie script. Ed Durr, the truck driver who toppled the New Jersey State Senate president after spending just $153 was one.

But an even more inspirational, and almost as implausible, script could be fashioned from the story of Winsome Earle Sears, a 57-year-old Virginia mother of three, who by being elected Virginia’s lieutenant governor became the first female minority and naturalized citizen ever elected statewide. CNN and MSNBC ignored her memorable Election Night victory statement, but Fox didn’t:

Her “Winsome vs Goliath” story will no doubt now make her a fixture on the lecture circuit. Devoutly religious, an aimless Sears was born in Jamaica and grew up in the Bronx. When she was 18 her Jamaican grandmother died and she took it as a sign she had to make something of herself. She joined the Marines, became an electrician and diesel mechanic, and learned that “you don’t get respect there unless you dig your own ditch.”

After three years she left with many commendations and then married a Marine first lieutenant, moving back with him to his home town of Norfolk, Virginia. She began raising three children. After a job in banking, she had another sign that she should help others, and she became director of the Hope Center, a Salvation Army homeless shelter for mothers and their children. After two years, she left to become a graduate student at Regent University. Then in 2001, Republicans had no candidate to run in a redrawn 58 percent black House district in Norfolk that was represented by Delegate William P. Robison, an incumbent who had served 20 years in office.

Robinson, a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, was flush with cash from special interests. Two months before the election, his campaign had $34,000 in the bank; she had $77. Then Robinson, a Harvard-educated criminal-defense lawyer, was found in contempt of court for missing a criminal hearing and sentenced to five days in jail. He served one day and was freed pending appeal. He also faced contempt-of-court hearings in at least two other cases.

Sears walked much of her district to meet voters, by all accounts more than living up to her first name.

But her views quickly came under attack. She says she lost the endorsement of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot when she told them she was “a Christian first and a Republican second.” Then the campaign turned ugly, with threats and intimidation. “Because I was a Republican, I was told I wasn’t black enough,” says the richly dark-skinned Sears. Phone calls featuring the sound of military boots would be made to her home late at night. She says that Michael F. Muhammad, head of the New Black Panthers Party, cursed and threatened her.