Mandated COVID Vaccines and the Nuremberg Code Eileen F. Toplansky


In this astonishing video, Dr. Richard M. Fleming, Ph.D., M.D., J.D. emphatically affirms that the COVID mandates being forced upon the world are egregious violations of the 1947 Nuremberg Code. Repeatedly, Fleming elucidates data based upon FDA and Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) documents which prove that despite all the COVID vaccinations,


  • there is no statistical reduction in COVID rates.
  • there is no statistical reduction in COVID death rates.
  • there is an unacceptable death and adverse event rates based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS).
  • the vaccine Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) for developing COVID is really only 0.8 to 1.3%. It is not the 67-95% rate we have been led to believe.


Yet, Biden and other global heads, military leaders, and university presidents are, in true totalitarian fashion, insisting that people be forced to take these injections.  Vaccine mandates from private employers are destroying American livelihoods with no end in sight and people are suffering grievous harm.


As of September 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported the following VAERS statistics: 14,506 deaths and over 58,000 serious injuries requiring hospitalizations as a result of COVID vaccines.  In 1976 when  the vaccine for swine flu showed serious side effects for 4,000 individuals, the vaccines were halted  Yet, anyone who questions the current COVID vaccines is censored, maligned and punished. Equally high numbers of adverse effects are reflected at the European Database EudraVigilance).

And, astonishingly new data from the Department of Defense shows waning immunity.


This new finding revealed that the majority of those 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65+ who are fully vaccinated were infected by COVID-19.  This means that transmission may be primarily occurring by vaccinated individuals.


Fleming asserts that “every time a new [COVID] drug vaccine [has been] added . . . an increase in the number of COVID cases and SARS infections occurred” and “stopping treatment with drugs that worked and pushing the vaccines has only resulted in major increases in illness.” In effect, as mass vaccinations were instituted, something known as pressure selection began resulting in new variants emerging, i.e., Delta.


Pfizer has indicated  that as the current vaccines no longer work, new vaccines will be made to deal with the emerging variants.  Where does it end? In fact, “the World Health Organization (WHO) has just designated the Mu coronavirus strain to be a variant of interest.”


Israel which has led the world in launching vaccinations and in data gathering, is confronting a surge of COVID-19 cases despite nearly 60% of the gravely ill patients being fully vaccinated.


In his book Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon?  A Scientific and Forensic Investigation, Fleming highlights gain-of-function research which is designed specifically to increase the ability of pathogens to infect and harm people.


Consequently, the very same spike protein now being produced in vaccinated people is nothing more than the genetic code of a bioweapon [emphasis mine].


Fleming pointedly reminds us that during the 1947 Nuremberg Trials, it was Goring who stated that “. . . it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”


Fleming describes that “those who are speaking the truth [are being] stopped, harassed, put into concentration camps — call[ed] conspiracy theorists or something worse — traitors.” Consider the current purge of information at You Tube.


Without hesitation, Fleming is not only calling out elected officials, but also the doctors, judges, and military leaders who need to be held accountable for the crimes against humanity with these COVID  vaccine mandates.


He also calls out the American Medical Association (AMA) and states that “[it] is unconscionable . . . that the AMA or any agency in the United States would put pressure on its physicians to force them to make their patients get vaccinated [.]”


Fleming explains that  the “emergency use authorization documents EUA) showed no statistical reduction in COVID or deaths even though there were concerns about inflammation and blood clotting.” It is important to recall that emergency use authorization does not mean that a drug has been approved.


To make informed consent is to weigh the benefits and risks of a treatment. Yet, how many are aware that the FDA ignored warnings before the vaccine was distributed that it would likely cause organ damage? Currently, Sweden and Denmark have halted vaccinations with Moderna Inc.’s Covid-19 shot for younger people because of potential side effects.


Moreover, Fleming cites mandated vaccines as a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, the Physicians Oath as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty on Human Experimentation (ICCPR).  The World Medical Association (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects also demands informed consent. Americans are being coerced to take these vaccines yet “the development, testing and release of a biological weapon is a direct violation of the Biological Weapons Convention Treaty.”


Fleming avers that a doctor’s responsibility is to his/her patients and not to elected officials, Big Pharma or insurance companies.


The “failure to follow the required testing of drugs in tissue and animal models prior to giving experimental drug vaccines to humans” and “the failure to obtain informed consent before testing experimental drugs including the drug vaccines” is in direct contravention as required by The 1947 Nuremberg Code; The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki; The 1976 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and The American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics.”


He cites the latest coercive actions by Biden’s administration as an absolute violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code  which states that


the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.  This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.


And that means that an individual has the right to refuse the treatment!


Yet, daily we hear of people being forced to have the jab or they will lose their jobs or will be unable to attend a university.  People can no longer attend concerts or eat at restaurants if they don’t show vaccination papers.  Medical care is being denied the unvaccinated. Even the NBA COVID vaccine demands are ruining basketball.  Why is Nobody Listening?


In addition, the University of California at Riverside scientists are currently “studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.”


Actually, Fleming is calling for a Nuremberg 2.0 trial where people need to be investigated, indicted, prosecuted and held accountable.  His preliminary group of defendants include Lloyd Austin, Secretary Department of Defense; Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services; and Rochelle P. Walensky, Director of the Centers Disease Control and Prevention, to name only a few.


Push-back from the government is clear. The PREP Act would authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to “limit legal liability for losses relating to the administration of medical countermeasures such as diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines.” How convenient.


Yet, as of September 24, 2021, over 3,000 doctors and scientists signed a declaration accusing COVID policy makers of crimes against humanity. Here is an overview of the Heroes of the Pandemic.


Finally, Fleming reminds us that we, the people, are the “cavalry” that can make a difference.  He is urging people to sign this petition to make these people accountable. We will be judged by what we leave for our children and grandchildren as this incredibly brave mother notes.


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