From ‘trust the science’ to ‘trust the tyrants’ by Christopher Tremoglie

President Joe Biden announced a national vaccine mandate Thursday that will affect approximately 100 million workers. It will require all federal workers and contractors to get vaccinated. It will also necessitate large companies to require their employees either to participate in weekly testing or else be vaccinated.

“My job as president is to protect all Americans,” Biden said. “So, tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees that together employ over 80 million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week.”

In other words, we’ve gone from “trust the science” to “trust the tyrants.”

For the duration of the pandemic, most Democrats have used the phrase “trust the science.” So, it is odd that Biden should order a national vaccine mandate when Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “There will be no nationwide mandate.”

Expert opinions on how to mitigate the spread come in behind the opinions of teachers union bosses and power-hungry politicians.

Biden’s mandate comes just a little over three months after the CDC, allegedly supported by the science, said that vaccinated people did not need to wear masks . So, it is a problem all on its own that “the science” doesn’t last long enough for anyone to make policy.

And given the states’ sovereignty over matters of health and welfare, Biden’s mandate is of dubious legal authority as well — as close to as ruling by decree as one is likely to see in this country, anyway. Such mandates feel more like the Soviet Union than the United States of America.

Much like Biden’s eviction moratorium, the Constitution’s limits upon both the national government and the executive branch will likely render moot Biden’s vaccine employer mandate. It’s a bad sign (and something people should be upset about) that a president would so completely lack concern about whether he is obeying the Constitution he swore an oath to uphold.

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