Calling All Trump Haters Please note: If you are not a Trump hater, you may still read this blog! Leon Kushner

You might recall my dire warnings after Biden became president. If you missed it, here it is. In summary, I said that the world will become a very dangerous place. I believe it has. Do you? If not, I’d love to hear from you.

To all my friends who might not have hated former President Trump but had issues with him:

What do you think now? Do you miss his brash arrogance? His annoying bragging of his successes? His red cap ‘Make America Great’?  I didn’t think so. But just maybe right about now, after the disaster in Afghanistan, you hopefully are getting my old point. I pleaded with you last year to look past his personality if you didn’t like what you saw or heard. I told you then that world leaders are by their very nature arrogant and therefore not usually liked. But if their policies are moral then they are to be admired and supported.

I told you then that the mainstream media has aligned itself so closely with the Left that they have become an arm of the Democratic party. Their biased reporting is dangerous and needs to be called out as such. I urged you then and continue to urge you now to do your own research. If you continue to watch CNN to ‘get the facts’, you will be sorely misinformed. The disaster unfolding before us in Afghanistan presents us yet another dangerous blunder by the Biden administration. Any child could have figured out that if the US wanted to pull out of Afghanistan (whether they should have or not is another discussion entirely), then the order of actions should be first to remove all US citizens, then remove American weapons and finally to remove their armed forces. Biden did the opposite, putting Americans there in extreme danger. 13 American soldiers have already been killed recently and hundreds of sympathetic Afghans have been murdered as well. Thousands are injured and are suffering. Millions more lives are at stake. The rest will be hunted down, tortured and used as hostages. This despite Biden’s public promise that no American will be left behind.

Thanks to Biden’s blunder, the Taliban has overnight become the best armed terrorist entity in the world. That’s what leaving billions of dollars of sophisticated weapons to our enemies does.  Did you notice that during the Trump administration the Taliban, ISIS and the rest of the terrorists were under control. I’m not saying it was a safe place to live or vacation at. I doubt that it ever will be. But now, thanks to Biden and his bumbling crew of defense ministers, woke generals (who’s # 1 concern was to enlist more gays and boast of a more diverse army) and others have shaped Afghanistan to be terror central. Terror organizations like Hamas (who applauded the Taliban victory – let’s keep giving them tons of money), Hezbolla and many others will be running there for training and to pickup some cool weapons. Terror states like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea will be quick to sponsor them. China can’t wait to get their hands on the latest US weaponry and begin to reverse engineer them back at home in order to mass produce them and sell them on the black market. It’s like they won the lottery.

What are the odds of another 9/11 style attack on the US now? As I predicted, a Biden administration would make the world a dangerous place and it sure as hell has. You’ve got to be wilfully blind not to see it.

Here are a few points to ponder:

1. Biden suffers from dementia but is getting rich.

2. He is not running the show (although he may think that he is).

3. Who is?

4. It’s ok to change your mind. Learn from your mistakes.

5. Courage must be applauded. Cognitive dissonance must be rejected.

6. What do you think the world thinks of American leadership today? Are they laughing at us? Do they take us seriously? Do our allies trust us?

7. Do you believe in security through strength? I certainly do. Ronald Reagan & Donald Trump certainly did. As a result, our enemies hated them but respected and feared them and the world was a safer place.

8. Do you think that the world is in a better place today than it was when Trump was president?

I don’t have the space to list all of Biden’s blunders because there are so many. From reversing Trump’s US energy independence, opening the southern border and inviting millions of illegal migrants (so much for Covid restrictions) to come on over, to defunding the police and destroying small business, manufacturing and the job market in general.

To quote the words of wisdom of our current president ‘Come on, man!’

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