Academia reaches its terminal stage of rot By Liam Brooks

“Those who can do; those who can’t teach.”

Most people who were born prior to the socialist infestation and eventual takeover of our education system probably remember that quote.  It was written by George Bernard Shaw in 1903, a line from his four-act drama Man and Superman.  It has been upsetting teachers and professors ever since, many of whom had a valid complaint about being included among the alleged non-achievers.

Many fine teachers throughout history have helped positively shape young minds — there’s no doubt about that.  But some educators who whined about the quote were mediocrities who inspire few if any students; others are subversive ideologues who spend their entire careers indoctrinating impressionable kids in their relentless pursuit of a utopian fantasy.  The effort is ongoing, and the warning signs have been there for decades.  But anyone who sounded the alarm was ridiculed and called a conspiracy nut, a wacko, or a Nazi.  Some things never change…especially in the tried-and-true Marxist playbook.  Saul Alinsky would be proud!

Sadly, we are now on the cusp of seeing that twisted dream become a reality.  Orwellian doublespeak, a socialist staple, is a Democrat favorite: those who brazenly violate the Constitution accuse the opposition of violating the Constitution…those who loudly decry racism pound race-hatred into the minds of our children…tyrants who twice impeached President Trump without a scintilla of evidence support the delusional hack in the White House while he commits numerous impeachable offenses…apparatchiks rant “follow the science,” all the while encouraging troubled children to pretend they’re members of the opposite sex.  I could go on, but you get the point.

The federal government encourages and often mandates the indoctrination in our schools, the primary tool for destroying young minds.  There are myriad reasons why this cancer continues to metastasize, but even a cursory look at who controls the reins of power in the federal behemoth provides a good part of the answer.

Janet Yellen, secretary of the Treasury, has had a lengthy career as a “public servant and educator,” according to her bio on Wikipedia.  In fact, it appears that she has done nothing except lecture at the academy and work for various bureaucracies.  She is lauded as a great economist but has never really worked in the private sector.  Yellen did serve as chair of the Federal Reserve, but the Fed is a quasi-government institution that manages currency supply and interest rates about as well as Congress manages the budget.  Hyper-inflation, anyone?

Miguel Cardona, secretary of education, taught fourth grade through college, then worked as an appointed bureaucrat at the state and federal levels.  Period.  Apparently, he has never worked a day in the private sector.

Denis McDonough, a retread from the Obama administration (there are many), is listed as a professor at Notre Dame.  His so-called “private sector” work was mostly for liberal think-tanks like the Carnegie Endowment and the ultra-left Center for American Progress.

Jennifer Granholm, secretary of energy, is a career politician who served two terms as governor of Michigan.  After leaving office in 2011, Granholm “took a position at the University of California, Berkeley.”  Wikipedia lists her occupation as “politician – lawyer – educator…”  I guess we can call her the three-headed monster!

This is just a small sample of former educators, all from the White House inner circle, who currently serve in the Asterisk Administration.  But there are a lot more.  Institutions of higher learning enjoy boasting about faculty members and alumni who received appointments, as evidenced here, here, and here.  And that’s just three schools.  If you’re into self-abuse, there are many more websites that will tell you the same thing.  Academics swarm to government jobs like bees to a hive, but the end product in not nearly as sweet.

Government and academia — two of the Great Destroyers of the Republic — are becoming so intertwined that, in a sense, it’s difficult to understand where one ends and the other begins.  A slight amendment to Shaw’s quote puts it all in perspective: “Those who can do; those who can’t run the government.”

And they’re running it into the abyss.

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