Dear Attorney General Paxton,
I remember well when you first announced your plan to run for the Attorney General of Texas in 2014. All your friends and family were happy, excited and supportive. We all believed in your leadership, principles, brevity and conservative values.
During the primary race, you demonstrated the political courage needed to stand for Texas as our next Attorney General. Your near flawless and proven record of standing for conservative principles had earned you support among Texas conservative leaders and people across Texas. In fact, many of us came to several venues and watched your speech in a show of support. I recorded those joyous moments for the future.
The primary was tough, as was the runoff. But in the end, the best person for the job won. Texans sent a loud and clear message when they gave Team Paxton 63.4% of the vote. They wanted a proven conservative leader in the Office of Attorney General of Texas. A year on the campaign trail. Hard to believe. You spent a whole year since you launched that campaign. 365 days of crisscrossing the state, talking with Texans about liberty and state sovereignty, growing our support base and getting out the vote. 52 weeks of sharing your vision for Texas: Defended the Constitution, elevated the 10th Amendment, and told Washington that Texas would not just go along to get along in their never-ending quest for power and control over our lives.
Team Paxton deserved an award for their hard work, i.e., reading and forwarding emails, engaging online, contributing generously, making phone calls and putting boots on the ground, etc.
Then your tireless campaign and forthright exposition of your vision assured the electorate the best-qualified public servant in assuming the helm of the office of Attorney General. During your swearing-in ceremony, you perceptibly likened Texas to that ‘shining city on the hill’ former President Reagan always said proudly of the United States. This shining city, the Lone Star State, is blessed with bringing forth generation after generation of dedicated and competent public servants to safeguard its luminous glow against the darksome overreach of the Federal Government. People deserve the government they vote for, it is said. And it is a testimony to the character and resolve of Texans to rally in support of their very best and elect them to office.
That was nearly eight years ago and now we must go through it yet again with new challengers who are not suited for this job. We should remember freedom is not free!
Life is precious. It is to be protected, nurtured, and celebrated. Mankind is moving, perhaps at a glacier pace, toward reconciliation and ever-expanding inclusiveness, without any group or ideology imposing itself on others. But as we all have witnessed, that is precisely what the federal government intends. It is vital that we reelect Attorney General Ken Paxton and stop the incursion of the Federal Government on our beloved state.
On November 3rd, 2020, over seventy-four million (more likely many more) Americans cast their votes to re-elect Trump for his second term.
At a time when the world was in torment and uncertainty, the American people—true to the values that have always been at the very core of America’s identity—strongly put their faith in President Trump and in the future.
No President in the history of the United States has achieved as much as he did in his four years in office, as President Trump. Meanwhile, no President in the history of America had been subjected to such incessant, vile and unjustified attacks. Why? Because he believes in American exceptionalism, not globalism.
After the failed and baseless impeachment fiasco that was led by Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, another disaster, wittingly or not, hit America through a deadly pandemic called the coronavirus that overnight erased the historic economy. The Democrats were jubilant and hoped this virus would weaken the President’s dream of a great America and would cause his removal from office to install a socialist-communist regime to achieve their final goal.
The 2020 election was stolen from by a longtime planning and concerted effort of a previous administration, high tech companies, corrupt media, the “Deep State” and other actors. They exploited the coronavirus pandemic to purge laws that were put in place over the course of decades to preserve the integrity of the ballot box.
In conclusion, I find it my duty to acknowledge the courage of Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton who has kept Texas safe for nearly eight years from the hands of the “deep state” actors. I remain grateful, thankful and confident that you will be reelected another term as Attorney General of Texas at this crucial time.
All Texans must remain resolute and reelect Attorney General, Ken Paxton. The survival of our country is at stake.

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