Speaking at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, Boobus Maximus warned that “Democracy itself is in peril here at home and around the world,” as Democrats move to establish one-party rule in the United States.

With the narrowest margin in the House in 100 years, and facing certain defeat in the 2022 election, Biden and his socialist party are moving rapidly to create a system where the semblance of democracy is maintained but Democrats are in power in perpetuity, through:

1. Packing the Supreme Court 

2. Blocking any effort at ballot integrity

3. DC and Puerto Rican Statehood – giving them a permanent majority in the Senate

4. Eliminating the Senate filibuster – and the need for the White House to negotiate anything

5. Abolishing the Electoral College – nationalizing presidential elections

6. Keeping the borders wide open – importing a new electorate.

These toxic “reforms” will make future elections a sham.

Like “The Perils of Pauline,” Democrats will have representative government tied to the railroad tracks, while Slow Joe drives the train over its prostrate body.

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