It’s Official: Joe Biden Is The Worst President Ever On Immigration

We thought it was a breakthrough of sorts when President Joe Biden finally threw in the towel and admitted he had created a “crisis” on the nation’s border. Alas, just one day later, the White House issued a “clarification.” He was really just talking about Central America, not the border. So it’s now official: Biden is the worst president for protecting our border ever.

We don’t take that charge lightly. But how else can you describe a man who takes a problem that was for all intents and purposes fixed and, within the space of a mere three months, turns it back into a catastrophe? It’s sheer border policy incompetence.

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, who executes a high-speed 180-degree spin-turn better than anyone outside of NASCAR, said, “the president does not feel that children coming to our border . . . is a crisis“.

Just Saturday, Biden said this: “The problem was that the refugee part was working on the crisis that ended up on the border with young people.”

Sure sounds like he called it a “crisis.” On Monday, Psaki corrected a member of the media who used “crisis,” calling it instead “Challenges on the border.”

Cute semantics, but It’s a form of gaslighting the American public. By pretending an awful crisis that exists and demands attention isn’t really one at all is a kind of misfeasance.

Crisis? You make the call. As Breitbart reports, “Preliminary data shows more than 18,500 unaccompanied children crossed the border in March, 60% more than the previous record of 11,494 in May 2019.”

That doesn’t include the sudden surge in refugees. Biden took what struck us as a sensible stand last week, when his administration revealed that it would stick with the refugee “caps” put in place by President Trump.

In February, Biden had vowed to raise the refugee cap to 125,000 next year, a huge jump. But last week, he signed an emergency authorization for 2021 that kept President Trump’s cap of 15,000 in place.

Biden is now expected to increase the number of refugees from Trump’s 15,000 to as high as 62,500 for 2021. Why the sudden change? He was publicly called “xenophobic,” “racist,” and a “disgrace.” And that was by members of his own party. He immediately caved to the pressure, another profile in D.C. courage.

It gets worse, believe it or not.

Biden has also decided to let 400 illegal alien families into the U.S. every day, up from the 50 allowed under Trump, which is still too many. In short, even as he goes through the grand border kabuki theater of building parts of Trump’s wall and pretending to care about border security, Biden is in essence erasing whatever was left of a meaningful border between the U.S. and Mexico.

Rubbing salt into the open wound, Biden also is ordering the Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection to stop using terms such as “illegal aliens” and “assimilation” because, and this is not a joke, illegal aliens don’t like them.

Given that surveys show the bulk of illegals from Mexico and Central America speak little or no English, this rationale is an obvious lie. It’s just more woke linguistic fascism.

No matter how logical it was or how workable or how fair, Trump’s immigration policies drove Democrats crazy. Biden couldn’t withstand the rage. Splenetic open-borders leftists within the Democratic Party — that is, basically the entire party — created such an instant firestorm that Biden immediately and humiliatingly backtracked.

Biden has shown himself to be a weak president. Any person who could proclaim himself a “moderate” and pursue the extreme policies he has does not have full control of either his faculties or the office of the president. In issue after issue, it shows.

America is a generous nation. We allow about a million immigrants in each year, more than any other country. And the 45 million immigrants who make America home, about 14% of our population, are the most of any country on Earth.

As such, allowing floods of illegals into the U.S. to further disrupt Trump’s workable, if imperfect, system and replace it with one that is, well, chaos does a disservice to all Americans. All because Democrats see in Hispanic illegal immigrants a pliable group of ready voters that will give them congressional majorities forever.

Anyone who considers this humanitarian is either a fool or drinking the White House Kool-Aid. Vice President Harris, who was grandly handed the job of border czar, can’t even be bothered to visit the border. Biden’s the impresario of this farce. He deserves the discredit.

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