The powerful drive to actively discriminate based on race has gained enormous steam since George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis.  We are now almost a full year  into the “national reckoning on race” and we see how it is playing out. One big shift is the momentum  for eliminating any measure in schools or the workplace which might be merit based, and  measure achievement, or ability and in which certain “marginalized groups” show poorly. United Airlines has committed to hiring 50% of its new pilots from a new pilot training program  who are women or are members of  specific racial groups or gender. One might think that pilot excellence, and  safety of passengers were the top considerations in hiring- not the race or gender of the pilot. But you would be wrong. Richard Baehr

 On the college front, the news is  sordid. This week, most of the Ivy League colleges and universities released the racial breakdown of their incoming classes.  The competition appears to be over which school can admit the smallest white percentage of the freshman class. This year’s champion is Princeton, with Harvard second.

A college admissions counselor who has discussed this issue with admissions officers at ivy league schools says the admissions officers admit that what is going on is not due solely to a desire to admit enough of various minority groups to achieve diversity,  but to punish whites, who have been privileged too long

“What, then, is the real reason why Princeton has cut back so sharply on admitting whites? According to the college counselor referred to above, some Ivy league admissions officers admit that their efforts are about payback, not diversity. Their stated view is that whites have long been “privileged” in America and that now nonwhites should be favored as reparations for our unjust history and culture. “

Another development- enormous investments by companies, colleges and other organizations in diversity, equity and inclusion bureaucracies, and anti-racism training. These efforts have created what is probably the fastest growing professional class in America- the diversity officers and anti-racism trainers. 


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