Real liberals of both major parties cherish homeland security, the right to dissent and criticize without punishment, freedom of peaceful assembly, border security and freedom to vote.

On issues of homeland security there is a terrible border crisis which includes pathetic and unaccompanied children as well as unvetted criminals, human traffickers and multitudes susceptible and possible carriers of Covid.

The right to dissent is continually challenged by big tech and legislators who approve of censorship and punitive measures. “Cancel culture” seeks to silence the dissent of 75 million Americans.

The right to assembly is only reserved for destructive rioters in many cities. Those who attended the January 6th rally in Washington are derided as white supremacists, racists and extremists, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority gathered peacefully and politely.

The unfettered right to vote is now challenged by a forthcoming bill mid-wifed by Nancy Pelosi to consolidate power for decades.

Where is liberal outrage at the torrent of tyrannical dictates? And please don’t mention Joe Manchin who teases but ultimately votes with the herd.

Their silence is acquiescence to authoritarian one-party rule inimical to democracy.

There is an old saw that says that conservatives are liberals who were mugged.  How many muggings will it take this time? rsk



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