The Biden presidency — already transformative for the worse by Hugo Gurdon,

President Biden is using his entire administration to impose “woke” precepts about race, class, and gender on a public that recognizes them as mostly pseudo-intellectual rubbish masking intolerance.

He’s made it clear that implementation will not be left to a single department or czar. It will, rather, be the core goal of his whole presidency, and every agency will be dragooned into service to achieve it.

No matter where you look, officials who once focused on housing, immigration, energy, or other discrete and dust-dry policies, have been transformed into woke legionaries, framing their responsibilities to fit a faddish crusade against fictional bigotries.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats naturally support this. The House of Representatives passed the Equality Act on Feb. 25, and if the Senate follows suit, the law will add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” as protected categories covered by the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

This would demolish the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act. So, for example, schools that teach Christian doctrine that marriage is a sacramental union of one man and one woman could be obliged to hire staff who are in gay marriages and thus live lives that repudiate and undermine their employer’s mission. Institutions will lose a shield given to them 32 years ago to protect people’s right to transmit and live by reasonable principles that have been handed down through millennia from generation to generation.

The cultural revolution consuming America is not about accommodating diversity. It is not tolerant but intolerant — of teachings and a way of life that is good, right, and has created freedom and human happiness. It is an attempt by an overweening and temporarily ascendant ideology to roll its tanks into the landscape of private conscience, allowing only those prepared to declare acceptance of the leftist creed to engage fully in commercial, social, and charitable endeavors. As if to confirm the Democrats’ raging intolerance, Sens. Tammy Duckworth and Mazie Hirono have declared that they will vote against confirming any white nominee unless he or she is also LGBT or Q.

Every agency is doing its bit. Try to imagine one that is less germane than the Federal Reserve to the propagation of radical egalitarianism. The Fed has two mandates, to monitor inflation and unemployment and use its discretion to ameliorate problems with either. But the president, prodded by Sen. Bernie Sanders, wants it to have a third mandate: to gather data on racial disparities in hiring, joblessness, and wages and to explain what it is doing to correct them.

There is a good argument that the Fed should have only one mandate, to protect price stability, and that job creation should be fostered not by monetary policy but by broad economic policies favorable to employers. The Fed’s third mandate would charge in the opposite direction, amplifying the second mandate at the expense of the first mandate. We’d see the Fed adopt a loose monetary policy, allowing higher inflation and debauching the dollar, to stoke growth and keep minority joblessness down. But to produce minority employment, you need to encourage job creation, as the past administration did; you don’t need to undermine the Fed.

Over at the Securities and Exchange Commission, officials are pressing companies to reserve directorships for women and gender and racial minorities, and to allocate at least two board slots to people who “self-identify” as being in these special categories. This would dilute the board’s mission to create shareholder value and fill directorships with people who define themselves by the belief that sexual preferences are a matter of public interest rather than private.

Then there is the Pentagon, where the brass wishes to correct a perception throughout its ranks that the racial justice veneer of vandals who smashed cities and murdered people last summer makes their actions better than those of vandals at the opposite end of the ideological spectrum who rioted on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, causing less damage and killing no one.

The list of agencies could go on (and on), but you get the picture. The federal workforce under Democrats is pushing together to mold our society along lines laid out by cockamamie theories hatched by insulated revolutionaries in university faculty lounges, which most people recognize as false and corrosive. Their intellectual pedigree descends from people who detested America. They want us to fail.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently banned critical race theory from schools, saying that “teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.” Washington, under our self-identifying uniter president, does not think about red cents. It’s doing everything it can to entrench a divisive ideology, and it’s spending trillions of dollars to do it.

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