Those who chose Donald Trump knew exactly who their candidate was. Those who chose Joseph Biden voted for a carefully scripted Potemkin candidate.

All evidence of his frailty and diminishing cognitive skills was successfully disguised with the excuse of the pandemic.

He was presented as a healer who would restore civility, and media went into overdrive to burnish his reputation.

The Hunter Biden laptop story which could incriminate the former Vice President in an influence peddling scandal was spiked by mainstream media and all charges of his sexual harassment- more credible than anything leveled against Justice Kavanaugh- were erased.

The Presidency is the toughest and most demanding job in the world. Every second presents crises and challenges in domestic as well as global affairs. Joseph Biden is clearly not up to the job and his choice of Kamala Harris as President in waiting is a dismal and frightening choice.

She was rejected by the Democrat party In December 2019 when her poll numbers tanked. She has neither the skills nor the experience to steer the ship of state. Like Joseph Biden she will be a puppet of the swamp.

The whole thing is a con job and political mugging…. rsk

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