CALL ME, AYATOLLAH: Iran Turns Down Biden’s Plea to Negotiate. Biden Asks for 2nd Chance Daniel Greenfield

In an entirely unexpected turn of events, Biden’s decision to announce that he wanted to crawl back into Obama’s faux nuclear deal with Iran was met with overt contempt by the Islamic terrorist state.

When you announce your negotiating position ahead of time, you should assume that the other side will demand a bigger price.

And that’s exactly what Iran is doing. It’s turning up the screws with attacks on American personnel. Biden decided to concede Yemen, threw out a weak air strike in Syria for show, and is reduced to pleading with Iran to come and negotiate.

A spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that conditions are not ripe for informal nuclear talks between Iran, the U.S. and other world powers.

Why it matters: The Biden administration had proposed the talks as part of its efforts to negotiate a path back to the 2015 nuclear deal. The White House expressed disappointment with Iran’s response, but said it remained willing to engage with Tehran.

The message: hit us harder.

“While we are disappointed at Iran’s response, we remain ready to reengage in meaningful diplomacy to achieve a mutual return to compliance with the nuclear deal commitments,” a White House spokesman said.

No really, we’re waiting by the phone. Call me, Ayatollah.

The best part of this is not only that Iran turned down Biden’s proposal for negotiations, but that the administration’s response is that it’s waiting by the phone to negotiate.

Iran played Obama the same way. And Biden is proving to be an even easier target.

Biden needs Iran to agree to negotiations and allow him to safe face by butching up his appeasement as much as possible. And Iran will do that, eventually, while extracting the maximum possible price.

The media will struggle to spin this humiliating charade as a brilliant example of principled diplomacy.


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