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January 2021


Third-ranking GOP Rep. Liz Cheney said she will vote to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in a mob attack on the Capitol last week.
She joins Republican Rep. John Katko, who was the first Republican to say he would back impeachment, along with GOP Reps. Adam Kinzinger, Fred Upton and Jaime Herrera Beutler.
The New York Times separately reported that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell believes Trump committed impeachable offenses.
Impeach, Convict, RemoveBy Kevin D. Williamson

And if there isn’t time for removal, he should still be impeached and convicted, anyway.
The End of the GOP

By Kevin D. Williamson

A dog in this condition would be put to sleep. It would be a piece of mercy.
House GOP Leaders Won’t Lobby Caucus to Oppose Impeachment

By Zachary Evans 
The decision comes after Trump incited a mob of his supporters to demonstrate outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6.
Twitter Deranged Our Politics

By Rich Lowry 
Trump was the foremost offender, but Twitter hasn’t done us any favors in this period of our national life.

The Lincoln Blacklist A political group wants to make it easier to cancel Trump alumni.

….”Stuart Stevens, a senior advisor to the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, tweeted Saturday that “we are constructing a database of Trump officials & staff that will detail their roles in the Trump administration & track where they are now.” He added: “No personal info, only professional. But they will be held accountable & not allowed to pretend they were not involved.”

The Lincoln Project is a well-funded political action group, run mostly by former GOP consultants, that made ads for Democrats in the 2020 election cycle. We often disagreed, especially with the group’s effort to unseat principled GOP Senators, but never begrudged donors exercising their First Amendment right to influence the political process.

It’s something else to turn fire on former public servants in private life. Mr. Stevens tells us in an email that he’s doing nothing more than Wikipedia does with its pages listing past Administration alumni. But then why broadcast his stigmatizing intentions?

The only reason for an anti-Trump group to publicize the employment information of former officials is to deter employers from hiring them. If they are hired, progressive employees could scour the list and create petitions for them to be fired or doxed. This will deepen America’s civic strife.

Here’s How We Flatten the Democratic Party During the Next Four Years By David P. Goldman


Trump made a colossal tactical blunder by telling his supporters to fight vote fraud in the streets. That led to last week’s excesses, and the biggest crackdown on conservatives in American history. David Horowitz likes to say, inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out. Is he ever right!

The suspension of President Trump’s Twitter account (denounced by Germany’s Angela Merkel and top French officials as a violation of basic rights) is an affront to democracy: Whatever Trump did or didn’t do, he is the elected president of the United States, convicted in no court of law, and the people have the right to hear from him. The suspension of the free-speech social media platform Parler is another totalitarian outrage by what France’s Finance Minister calls “the digital oligarchy.” And now CNN demands that cable companies drop Fox News and Newsmax.

The Trump campaign’s vote fraud lawsuits crashed and burned because the standard of proof required by a court to overturn an election is extremely high. Proof of some fraud, or a statistical proof that the outcome was highly improbable, do not meet that standard. It must be proven that sufficient votes were stolen or invented to change the outcome. No one can collect that kind of information in a few weeks. But it can be collected in months or years, and that’s what it will take.

Either we are in this for the duration, or we’ve lost. But we have not lost yet. There was massive fraud. Whether there was sufficient fraud to determine the outcome is beside the point. Large parts of the Democratic Party are criminal organizations and have to be held accountable. Take a cold shower and a deep breath, and prepare for a long war. Ask yourself if you want to win, or just let off steam.

‘Let’s All Remain Peaceful,’ Says Trump In Clear Incitement To Violence


WASHINGTON, D.C.—A review of Trump’s statements last week made it clear that he was inciting violence, as he very clearly told people to “remain peaceful” and not carry out any violence.

The dangerous cult leader encouraged his followers to protest at the Capitol, but to remain peaceful, which is an obvious instance of inciting violence, according to leading language experts and journalists.

“Let’s all remain peaceful,” he said, which clearly meant, “Go burn down the Capitol Building.”

“No violence!” added the deranged lunatic, which, according to the New York Times, was a dog whistle for “Minions, attack!”

“Go home,” he added, which meant, “Keep pressing the attack! We will not be defeated! Blow stuff up!”

At publishing time, Trump had said, “I’ve always encouraged peaceful protesting,” which meant he wanted his followers to go ransack an Arby’s.

Still Supporting Donald J. Trump Eileen F. Toplansky

I believe that I speak for many Americans who would want to affirm the letter that I recently wrote to President Trump.  We need to stick together against the overwhelming evil that has been dealt our country.

Dear Mr. President:

With a very heavy heart, I am writing this letter to you.  You have been an inspiration to all patriotic Americans and what has been done to you and, ultimately to us is unconscionable. The proof of the election steal is obvious to any sentient individual.  That all venues of recourse have been shut down is terrifying as I see my country being taken over by a totalitarian mindset.

I cannot imagine the stress that you and your loved ones have been under.  Yet, you never waver in your belief in Making America Great Again.  The people who voted for your opponent have no idea what they have ushered in.  And, of course, the Red-Green Alliance of communist Leftists and jihadists gloat as they see our country split apart.

As one of the few conservative instructors in a college, I daily see the indoctrination of malleable minds.  It is child abuse of the highest form and with Biden and, ultimately, Harris controlling the reins of office, critical race theory will become the dominant theory. Thus, another generation of young Americans will be exposed to this dangerous drivel.

I am scared for my young grandsons.  I want them to experience the freedom that America stands for.  I don’t want them to be taught by those who despise our country.  These babies look to us for guidance.  We cannot let them down.