The Morning Briefing: Andrew Cuomo Reminds Us That He’s the Worst Ever By Stephen Kruiser


Andrew Cuomo — Fredo the Elder — crawled out of the cave where he spends his days pulling wings off of flies and smelts participation trophies for his handling of the pandemic in his state to remind us that he is perhaps the worst governor in America.

I only said “perhaps” because who knows what Gavin Newsom will do this week?

Of all of the strange drama that has played out since the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu descended upon this great land perhaps none has been stranger than the random amnesia that Andrew Cuomo has been exhibiting before our eyes. This piece of work racked up a massive body count in record time because he so mishandled the early days of the pandemic. He’s made countless blunders in the months since then but is still convinced that he’s the Boy Wonder of pandemic state executives.

One thing you have to give Cuomo — he’s consistently the worse at dealing with the plague. At present, Cuomo is utterly cocking up his state’s vaccine administration plan.

Stacey wrote a post yesterday chronicling Cuomo’s incompetence:

More recently, he has led what might be the most botched vaccine rollout in the country. Originally he had set strict rules about who would have priority to receive the vaccine, and threatened to levy fines of up to $1 million if a healthcare provider gave it outside of his specified hierarchy. When doses, which have a short shelf life, expired, they were thrown in the trash.

Meanwhile, businesses are dying in the state, especially in New York City. As of August, the New York Times reported that up to one-third of the state’s small businesses were closing for good. In-person schooling has been an on-and-off affair thanks to the teachers’ unions insisting on a ridiculous 3% positivity rate to trigger closings. By way of example, Georgia’s students have been in school with a statewide test positivity rate of 25%, and Florida schools have stayed open with a positivity rate of nearly 13%.

What’s particularly galling is that Cuomo has been patting himself on the back throughout all of his monumental failure.

Along with Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, Cuomo has been one of the Big 3 lockdown governors, which didn’t help with curbing the pandemic but did financially destroy a lot of lives.

Yesterday, Cuomo tweeted this follow-up to his state of the state address:


As I’ve often said, Democrats are the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind party. Their memories seem to be forever being wiped of inconvenient facts and history. This is a man who treated anyone who suggested anything like this to him as if they were advocating for mass murder. Now he’s on board! It’s a belated Christmas miracle!

It’s more than a safe bet that Cuomo won’t be pressed on this neck-breaking 180 by anyone in the media. He will probably be hitting the Sunday shows to tell America that he invented reopening and that he all along opposed being shut down. Jake Tapper’s heart might explode with joy if they get too near each other.

Cuomo will never cease to be awful, either as a human being or a governor.

And he will never stop going out of his way to remind us.

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