The Purge Has Begun. Trump Was Just The Beginning Robert Romano

President Donald Trump has finally had his Twitter account banned permanently, which had more than 80 million followers.

He got his posting privileges suspended from Facebook yesterday. The account itself may not be too far behind.

The purge has begun. Cancel culture is going to be worse than ever.

You either bend the knee and renounce President Trump — or your days on social media or in official Washington, D.C., could be numbered.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)  just had a book contract canceled.

He and his colleague Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are being cut off by the GOP establishment and Republican donors, simply for fighting for election integrity in a process prescribed under law by Congress more than a century ago.

Parler, the social media alternative to Twitter, has been banned from the Google Play store barring it from Android devices, and just got threatened by Apple it will be removed from their App Store, which would make the app inaccessible on Apple devices, unless it implements a censorship policy. They’ve been given 24 hours.

And there are a number of other accounts and cancellations occurring. It is a wholesale assault on the entire Republican party. Not just Trump supporters.

Make no mistake. This is a bid for one-party rule.

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