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January 2021

Georgia: Dominion voting machines ‘in three of the largest Republican precincts are down’


Reports out of Georgia say that Dominion Voting Systems machines in key Republican-dominated areas in the state were not working.

There are no reports of Dominion machines being down in Democrat precincts.

“Dominion machines in 3 of the largest Republican precincts are down.They are told they can’t scan their ballots because the machines don’t work.The poll workers are saying ‘When it’s fixed we’ll scan it for you’. There’s all kinds of red flags,” radio host John Fredericks reported.

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday at 1:18 p.m.: “Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman @RickAllen!”

Other reports cited the Georgia Secretary of State’s office as saying the Dominion software loaded on security keys was corrupt and new programs were created and were being delivered to polling locations by law enforcement.

Newsmax reported that Dominion voting machines were down or malfunctioning in at least 3 GOP counties and workers were not able to reach anyone through the Dominion support number.

The Swamp Returns to Washington By Dr. Alex Joffe,


The incoming Biden administration has begun to appoint personnel and articulate policies, both directly and through the extended voice of the foreign policy establishment and the media. The return of second-tier Obama administration personnel and the marginalization of left-wing progressives portends a return to the process-laden policies of the past. International agreements and institutions, and a return to 20th century “rules” and “norms”, are unlikely to be adequate to confront rogue states like China and Iran.

Washington, DC is built on a swamp at the convergence of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. Like all swamps it is subject to periodic flooding.

The DC foreign policy swamp has well and truly returned. The presumptive Biden administration has made a series of appointments that, along with a growing number of pronouncements from insiders and hangers-on, is beginning to give shape and color to its foreign policy.

What are some of its salient features? First are three interlinked phenomena: the return of second-tier players from the Obama administration, the explicit marginalization of overt progressives and radical ideas, and the empowerment of progressives in lower-level staff positions.

The appointment of Anthony Blinken as Secretary of State and Avril Haines as Director of Central Intelligence returns faithful Obama apparatchiks to power. Blinken, former Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Secretary of State, epitomizes, in the words of European analysts, a “Europeanist, multilateralist, internationalist” viewpoint. The fulsome praise for his public service, “Jewish roots, European conscience,” and flawless, unaccented French neatly, if not parodically, sums up the viewpoint and expectations of the European elite.