If This Be Treason, Make The Most Of It Lewis K. Uhler and Peter J. Ferrara


Patrick Henry was the initial Governor of Virginia. In a speech before the First Continental Congress, Henry compared King George III of Great Britain to Julius Caesar. In reply to cries of treason among the divided Congress, Henry responded “If this be treason, make the most of it.”

Something similar just happened to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the current Congress. He proclaimed he would contest the electoral vote for “King” Biden on January 6 when the Electoral College reports to Congress, on evidence of widespread ballot fraud in 6 swing states: Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada. Democrats in response called for him to be arrested for treason.

Cruz speaks for millions of Americans, and the vast majority of Republicans, who believe Democrats stole the election for Biden. They don’t believe vote totals showing that, campaigning from his basement in Delaware, Biden got more votes than even Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, or Hillary Clinton in 2016, or any other candidate for President in American history!

Indeed, if that ballot fraud is allowed to prevail without challenge, Americans will have lost their Constitutional Republic and the very idea of democracy itself. The Constitution provides that even in federal elections states are to follow the laws provided by their state legislatures. But in the six swing states challenged, the election laws provided by their state legislatures were not followed.

Already Biden is showing he would be a dismal failure as President. He has said the first thing he would do as president is repeal Trump’s 2017 tax reform. That would amount to a $4 trillion tax increase.

Even the most naive Democrat knows when the economy is recovering from a recession is not the time for a massive tax increase. Every taxpayer got a tax cut from tax reform despite the disinformation campaign of the New York Times/Washington Post which claimed that only the rich and Wall Street benefited.  The Heritage Foundation, and more recently the Texas Goodman Institute, confirmed the huge lifetime wealth-building benefits of tax reform for the average family of four across our nation.  Therefore Biden’s tax reform repeal would hurt the very middle-class workers and families nationwide Joe Biden claims to represent.

Biden is also campaigning for the Green New Deal which would reverse Trump’s deregulation and Energy Independence for America. Thanks to Trump, America now leads the world in production of Oil and Natural Gas. The Green New Deal would mean higher costs for the renewable energy it would require.

These tax cuts and deregulation are the precise policies that created Trump’s Blue Collar Boom, with over 6 million new jobs. The Blue Collar Boom resulted in the lowest unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians in American history, and the lowest unemployment rate overall in America in 50 years at 3.5%. Middle-class income also hit a record high.

Biden also promises Medicare for All which would add trillions in new spending on top of Coronavirus costs. This and the trillions in new money from the Fed threaten the near-zero inflation and interest rates of the Trump years.

Instead of this record of peace and prosperity under Trump, the reduced defense spending which Democrats have pledged, as well as a renewed Iran nuclear deal, threaten America with a legacy of war. So do the open borders Biden Democrats pledge.

Biden would take us back to the slow growth of the Obama years which does not provide a promising future for the American people. It means renewed recession – and the prospect of war.

Lew Uhler is the Founder and Chairman of the National Tax Limitation Committee and National Tax Limitation Foundation (NTLF). He was a contemporary and collaborator with Ronald Reagan and Milton Friedman in California and across the country.

Peter Ferrara served as a member of the White House Office of Policy Development under President Reagan, Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States of America under President George H.W. Bush, and as the Dunn Liberty Fellow in Economics for the King’s College in New York City.

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