If Dems Only Had a Brain By Bryan Preston



As we start the year, we’re likely in for some rough times. We’re still stuck with the Chinese pandemic and will soon get a Biden economy to go with it. I share doubts that many have about the elections. We know the media buried key evidence that could have kept the raging mediocrity known as Joe Biden out of the White House had it been properly published and vetted. We know several swing states changed their election rules at the last minute, favoring Democrats. We know Big Tech uses its big bucks to stifle free speech. We still don’t have an answer to some basic questions, such as why the counts stopped in several states in which Trump led, but later lost. The 2020 election carries the logical inconsistency of Republicans winning at just about every level but the top one. I don’t recall an American election in which the alleged presidential winner had substantial negative coattails. That’s just not how elections usually work.

We know that so much of the damage being done to our country now and over the coming years benefits China.

All of that said, there are going to be opportunities even if His Brainfartency is inaugurated president. The above and so many other examples demonstrate that the Democrats as a party, top to bottom, have abandoned basic governance in favor of radical and frankly wacky ideology. These are not serious people anymore. They’re neo-segregationists with a side of Marxism. The legacy media won’t cover it, but we will.

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