The Trump-Hating Media Prepare For A Long Nap Under Biden

Nearly all would agree that 2020 has been a miserable year. A major reason for that misery, apart from the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic, was the utter failure of the American media. Our information purveyors no longer tell the truth or deal in facts, but rather trade in bankrupt far-left theories of wokeness, political correctness and cancel culture.

And now that Joe Biden could be our next president, the big media’s soft gloves will go back on. No more tough questions, according to The Atlantic.

“As the White House beat became the biggest story in the world, once-obscure correspondents were recast in the popular imagination as resistance heroes fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. They were showered with book deals, speaking gigs, and hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers,” wrote McKay Coppins in a piece titled: “The Resistance’s Breakup With the Media Is at Hand.” He goes on to wonder what those who “got famous fighting with (President Donald) Trump” will do next?

The answer appears to be “coast.”

“I don’t think the press should be trying to whip up the Biden presidency and turn it into must-see TV in a contrived way,” CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta told The Atlantic.

His CNN colleague, Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper, meanwhile, told CNN host Brian Stelter during “Reliable Sources” Sunday night that he doesn’t expect to have to dedicate as much time aggressively fact-checking the Biden administration as he did for Mr. Trump,” the Washington Times reported.

Don’t be surprised at this. It’s not just CNN. It’s the bell cow for the media herd’s madness. The national media are, by virtually any recognized metric, now collectively far to the left on the political spectrum. They hate Trump, capitalism, America’s history and culture, and all the blue-collar, hard-working, tax-paying schlubs out there who make it all possible.

The media began the year in COVID-19 denial, pretending, along with leading Democrats, that the fast-spreading virus was nothing to worry about. They quickly did an about-face after realizing that virus could be weaponized politically against Trump.

Since then, Americans have been subjected to non-stop propaganda on everything from vaccines and hydroxychloroquine to lockdowns and mandatory masks. The goal: weaken Trump, and turn Americans into terrified “yes” people, subservient to bureaucrat-scientists such as Anthony Fauci.

That’s what’s also behind the media campaign to blame Trump, not the communist Chinese, for the novel coronavirus. No sooner had the virus emerged than the media were reporting that Trump had “slashed” Centers for Disease Control spending, implying he had left us vulnerable. Wrong. His budgets increased CDC spending every year.

Meanwhile, media outlets as diverse as the New York Times, Bloomberg, National Public Radio, NBC and too many others to name uncritically reported unfiltered Chinese government propaganda, including its denials that it was the source of the virus, its assertion that it had “zero” new cases, and even calling the gone-rogue communist regime a “global leader.”

The same media outlets also excused the deadly incompetence of lefty Democratic state governors, in particular New York’s Andrew Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsom, who destroyed their state economies through lockdowns even as thousands of people died from their foolish policies. Cuomo, who presided over the needless death of thousands of elderly nursing-home patients, even won a special Emmy for his “leadership.”

COVID-19 wasn’t the only sustained media lie in 2020.

Clear signs of Biden’s age-related mental deterioration, painfully apparent to all who watched any time he spoke, were ignored by the media. So those who didn’t watch what few remarks he made during the campaign had no idea they were voting for someone mentally impaired.

The revelation that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden ran “family businesses” that took money from questionable regimes in Russia, Ukraine and, most of all, China got little or not coverage at all by America’s big media outlets. And Big Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all choked off coverage of what should have been the scandal of this century.

But why? Simple. Revelation of the sleaze and corruption of the Biden family would have handed Trump a clear victory. And the media were prepared to do anything to prevent that, just as they’re now covering up massive signs of voter fraud in major swing states during the election.

Claims that Trump had been helped by Russian interference (again) in the election proved also false. But the media neither apologized for that nor the three-year smear campaign they engaged in during Trump’s term.

Instead, as Sharyl Attkisson reported in her highly useful “definitive list” of media mistakes:

The New York Times and multiple other news outlets report on a secret briefing to Congress that supposedly told lawmakers that Russia is interfering to try to get Trump reelected in 2020. The report is later followed up by stories indicating that the warnings may have been ‘overstated.’ In fact, officials told CNN the U.S. ‘does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump.’

When riots pushed by Black Lives Matter and Antifa tore up major American cities, the death and damage were largely overlooked by the media, which lionized the violent Marxists marching in the streets, from Portland, Oregon, and Ferguson, Missouri, to Atlanta and New York.

Of course, we could go on and on.

After all, Attkisson’s list alone has 23 major (perhaps intentional) media errors for 2020 alone, and the count goes just to October. The media’s lies and distortions this year have been extraordinary, worthy of a Soviet propaganda campaign.

As PJ Media’s wry Morning Briefing columnist Stephen Kruiser wondered this week: “Will the Left Media Ever Pay for Trump-Era Malpractice?”

Sadly, the likely answer is no. The point is, the media have taken every opportunity this year to smear Trump, his policies and his followers, heedless of truth or consequences. Their misconduct made this one of the worst years on record. Tonight, we’ll raise a hopeful toast to 2021. But we’ll do so knowing full well that the media will do their worst to make this New Year just as bad as 2020.

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