Black Lives Matter Vandalizes St. Patrick’s Cathedral… Again Daniel Greenfield

During the original wave of mostly violent Black Lives Matter race riots, St. Patrick’s Cathedral was one of their targets and was hit with BLM graffiti.

Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance however decided to give BLM race rioters a pass while trying to prosecute a woman who called the police in Central Park.

The Manhattan district attorney’s poor relationship with the police had cratered when he announced that he was giving Black Lives Matter rioters a pass. That included the BLM racist who had scrawled obscene and hateful graffiti on the walls of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

he Queens man arrested for scarring the landmarked façade of St. Patrick’s Cathedral during a George Floyd protest is now free — because the Manhattan District Attorney’s office declined to prosecute him.

Yadir Avila Rosas, 26, was taken into custody at 5:30 a.m. Saturday, an NYPD spokeswoman told The Post.

Police charged Rosas with criminal mischief in the third degree and making graffiti, alleging that he was the “getaway driver” for two women who tagged the famous house of worship with spray-painted slogans on May 30.

But an expected Saturday afternoon arraignment never happened, at the DA office’s discretion.

Now here we go again.

Vandals tagged St. Patrick’s Cathedral with anti-police graffiti early on New Year’s Day, according to the NYPD.

Police say they found the acronym “ACAB” tagged on the cathedral after responding to a protest on Fifth Avenue around 1 a.m.

NBC helpfully fails to explain that ACAB is a Black Lives Matter acronym that stands for All Cops Are B____. Or that the vandalism took place during a BLM march.

Can we have a dialogue about the members of a racist and anti-religious black nationalist hate group repeatedly attacking houses of worship?

As I documented back in June, BLM had attacked numerous houses of worship.

In Richmond, Virginia, Beth Ahabah, a 225-year-old Reform Jewish congregation, had the windows in its grand 116-year-old building smashed by rioters. The building is now covered over with plywood. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, a 175-year-old building, also in Richmond, was defaced with graffiti. Finally, rioters in Richmond broke the windows of the West Broad Church of Christ, an African-American congregation.

The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, a 108-year-old building, was at the center of some of the local riots, including the hit-and-run of three Denver police officers, and suffered permanent damage. The walls were also vandalized with graffiti reading, “Pedofiles” and “God is dead”.

In Los Angeles, Congregation Beth Israel’s walls were defaced with graffiti reading, “F___ Israel” and “Free Palestine”.

The Fairfax area, home to both leftist hipsters and traditionalist Orthodox Jews, was heavily targeted by the rioters who, in addition to looting stores, defaced multiple synagogues, including the aforementioned Congregation Beth Israel, Beit Medrash Kehilat Yaakov (Congregation of Jacob), the synagogue of Rabbi Gershon Bess, the most important Jewish religious leader in the city, as well as Congregation Tiferes Tzvi and the Young Israel of Hancock Park. Three religious schools, Bais Yaakov School for Girls, Bnos Devorah High School, and Ohr Eliyahu Academy, were also vandalized.

Rioters also targeted Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral, a Maronite Catholic church in Los Angeles. The 83-year-old cathedral is also home to a middle eastern refugee congregation. And the Black Lives Matter bigots reminded them of the persecution that they had fled by scrawling, “Kill All Cops” and “Make America Pay for its Crimes Against Black Lives” on its iconic exterior.

In Dallas, the Saint Jude Chapel in Downtown Dallas had its windows smashed in with rocks.

In Minneapolis, where all the hate and rage began, the 106-year-old Basilica of Saint Mary, the first basilica in the country, suffered fire damage when a fire was started under a pew.

And in St. Paul, the Church of St. Mark was tagged with graffiti.

Good thing the racist and anti-religious black nationalist hate group behind the violence has the full backing of Democrats and the Left.

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