Pakistani Attacks Charlie Hebdo Workers w/Meat Cleaver Daniel Greenfield

The Religion of Peace would like to remind you that it’s still lethal even while everyone’s focused on a virus.

A man armed with a meat cleaver attacked and wounded two people on Friday who had stepped out for a cigarette in front of the Paris office building where Islamist militants gunned down employees of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo five years ago.

Police detained the man suspected of carrying out the attack soon after with bloodstains on his clothes next to the steps of an opera house about 500 metres (yards) away.

French officials said the attack was terrorism. A police source told Reuters the suspect was 18 years of age and of Pakistani origin.

A second suspect was detained and prosecutors were trying to establish his relation to the knife attacker. The second man is Algerian, according to the police source.

The staff of the magazine issued a statement expressing their support for the victims of Friday’s attack. “Far from terrorising us, such events should make us even more assertive in the defence of our values,” the statement said.

Pakistani and Algerian. Nothing to do with religion then.

 According to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, however, there is little doubt: “clearly it is an act of Islamist terrorism “, the minister said on France 2 this Friday evening.

The French can actually say the “I” word.

Meanwhile, these days, American conservatives want a medal for saying, “Radical Islamic terrorism” as if there are “moderate Islamic terrorists” to distinguish them for.

He was arrested a month ago “for carrying a prohibited weapon”, a “screwdriver”, when he was “still a minor”.

I presume we’ll shortly be saturated with claims that…

1. He suffered from mental illness

2. Was on drugs

3. Was entrapped by police

4. Was reacting to racism and economic oppression

… the 4 usual claims made by the pro-terror lobby in and out of the media.

“This is a new attack against our country, against our journalists,” said the minister, according to whom France is “still at war” against “Islamist terrorism”.

Five men, born between 1983 and 1996, were taken into police custody this Friday as part of the anti-terrorism investigation. According to this source, these five men were arrested in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis) by investigators during a search of one of the supposed homes of the main suspect in this attack. These five police custody are in addition to that of the main suspect and another man, arrested just after the attack.

If you like your immigration, you can keep your bloody stabbings.

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