Why New York City Is In Trouble – 114,041 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $14.6 Billion Adam Andrzejewski


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants a $12 billion coronavirus bailout from the American taxpayer. So, our auditors dug into how the city spent their budget in 2019.

We found 114,000 highly compensated city employees who made more than $100,000 last year.

For comparison, all Texas local and state governments employ 78,000 six-figure earnersAll Florida governments employ 50,00six-figure earners.

Today, our investigation is an Editors’ Pick at Forbes. Here are just a few of our findings:

  • Skyrocketing payroll — in 2016, there were 76,000 six-figure earners. Today, there are 114,000.
  • The fire department fired a whistleblower and then settled for $800,000 last year.
  • The mayor’s wife, who serves as a “volunteer,” has a staff of 14 employees costing taxpayers $2 million per year.
  • 50,000 six-figure educators — whose students underperform in national math and reading tests.
  • The NYC Human Rights Commission — dedicated to stopping discrimination — doesn’t pay their student interns!

New York City is a mess. Literally.

Despite a $32 million war-on-rats campaign. The rats are winning. Our auditors found that complaints of rats spotted on city street spiked 38-percent last year!

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