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September 2020

Video: Osama’s Post-9/11 Safe Haven in Iran. And who knew the whole time.


With the 19th anniversary of 9/11 having just passed, Frontpage Mag editors have deemed it vital to run the special Glazov Gang episode in which Clare Lopez discusses Osama’s Post-9/11 Safe Haven in Iran, revealing who knew the whole time.

Don’t miss it!

Party of Pants-on-Fire Accuses Trump of Lying to the American People on Coronavirus For Democrats, lying is a way of life. Don Feder


Here’s a play on the old lawyer joke: How do you know when a Democrat is lying? The choices are: 1. During a campaign, 2. When he’s talking about Trump, 3. When his lips are moving 4. All of the above.

It was Honest Joe’s most memorable line from another week of lackluster campaigning: “Trump lied to the American people,” the old duffer said. Because the president didn’t get hysterical about the Wuhan virus initially – because he tried to reassure the public – he lied!

Admittedly, it was a mistake to tell people to come to San Francisco’s Chinatown when the virus broke out. No, wait, that was House Babbler Nancy Pelosi. At the same time, Democrats condemned Trump for stopping flights from China, interfering with the PRC’s germ-warfare project.

If POTUS had gone before the cameras at his first Coronavirus press conference and run around waving his arms and shouting: “The Black Death is coming. It’s the end of the world,” they’d now accuse him of spreading hysteria. “This is the time for calm deliberation.”

It’s Not Him. It’s You How to understand the enduring Trump-hatred. Bruce Bawer


I know you. You’re somebody I know well or slightly or only as a public figure, and you hate Trump.

No, you’re not out rioting and destroying and burning, but you’re doing your part. You ruin your TV shows or podcasts, which are purportedly about non-political topics and which I otherwise enjoy, by interjecting Democratic rah-rah rhetoric. One of you, for example, in the middle of a podcast about old movies and TV, broke without warning into a pro-Democratic rant, expressing the urgent hope that Texas will “turn blue” in November. Two others, on a podcast about the arts, actually asserted that the Democratic convention was splendidly produced and deeply moving.

Consistently, you talk about politics as if it were still, I don’t know, 1990, or earlier, when there were Republicans like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond on the Hill, when there were no socialists or sharia advocates in the House Democratic caucus, and when nobody had ever heard of gender non-binaries.

Some of you don’t have TV shows or podcasts. You’re just ordinary citizens, friends or acquaintances of mine who sit at home and reflexively share anti-Trump memes on your social-media accounts. Most of those memes misrepresent facts that I damn well know you haven’t got a clue about, one way or the other. You don’t seem interested in learning the facts. You just want to hammer Trump. Facts or lies, it doesn’t matter. For some reason, it makes you feel good.

This is nothing new. You opposed him, virulently, in 2016. On election night, as one state after another went his way, you were in a panic. And with good reason – or so, at least, it seemed to you at the time.

You had bought into the argument that he was dangerously unstable and that with him in the White House the world would go spinning out of control. The possibilities of misadventure were endless. First off, he would pull us out of NATO and the UN. Then, who knew? The sky was the limit. He could set off Armageddon by saying something crazy on the phone to Putin or Xi or Kim Jong Un. He could order sudden, unwarranted troop build-ups and fleet movements that would ratchet up tensions. Or he might even – in fact he almost certainly would – order an unprovoked, unilateral invasion of some foreign country or other. Iran, say, or North Korea. Or Venezuela. Or someplace in Africa. Who knew? With this madman, anything could happen.

162 House Dems Vote Against Measure to Combat Anti-Semitism Adam Kredo


More than 160 House Democrats voted on Wednesday against a measure to combat anti-Semitism.

Republicans offered the anti-Semitism measure as an amendment to a piece of Democrat-backed legislation promoting greater inclusivity in federal programs. The bill, dubbed the Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act, would permit the filing of private civil suits for violations of federal regulations that “prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.” The Republican amendment, which passed by a vote of 265 to 164, with 162 Democrats in opposition, mandates that anti-Semitism also be considered as discrimination.

The Republican effort to include anti-Semitism in federal definitions of discrimination follows similar moves by the White House to consider discrimination against Jewish people illegal under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which affords protection to minorities and other groups. House Democrats have been divided in recent years on issues of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel advocacy in the United States. The latest vote highlights a deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on the issue, which is playing out against the backdrop of rising anti-Semitism across the globe.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R., N.C.), sponsor of the anti-Semitism amendment, said that any legislation altering Title VI must include protections for Jewish Americans.

“We should use this opportunity to show commitment to combating anti-Semitism,” Foxx said. “With anti-Semitism on the rise around the world, the need for this amendment is clear.”