The Right to Civil Rights By Nurit Greenger –

Brooke Goldstein is The Lawfare Project‘s Founder and Executive Director. Her recent op-ed, rightly calling for, ‘The Time Is Now for a Jewish Civil Rights Movement’ prompts a broad discussion.

It is becoming rather clear that most American Jewish Organizations no longer represent, rather prevaricate, Jewish causes. They have failed American Jewry.

Jewish organizations, some in particular, founded to make sure antisemitism does not occur, failed their fundamental cause. Among several reasons, they are extremely politically correct. For years they have been operating, confronting, on campuses and in the streets of America, the ancient Jew hatred, Antisemitism. Now that is masked as hatred for the state of Israel and Zionism, increased tenfold.

Antisemitism at Stanford University

During an endorsement interview, on March 13, 2020, in front of eight members of the university’s Students of Color Coalition, a student group whose endorsement she was eagerly seeking, due to the group’s previous success in helping dozens win seats in the student senate, Molly Horwitz, 21, a junior student at Stanford University, running for the student senate alleged that she was discriminated against; she faced anti-Semitic questioning.

The lead interviewer asked her, “Given your strong Jewish identity, in the anti-divestment campaign on campus…” The question lead to questioning whether Molly’s Judaism could affect her view of boycotting and divestment from Israel. What then morphed into a contest about campus issues also a fierce discussion on identity and loyalties.

Molly said she was horrified by the question asked. ZOA (Zionist Organization of America) took the right stand and demanded that the interviewer be expelled. Other Jewish organizations were satisfied with Stanford Administration’s pat on the wrist of the accused concealed identity, thinking that if there is a next time they will expel that person.

In today’s lexicon, this is called ‘discriminatory practices.’

Refusing to stand with ZOA on the matter, the Jewish organization proved that they are inactive to update the campus’ codes of conduct, to include the total removal of Antisemitism that has risen to an unprecedented level on American campuses, unlawfully against, for example, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title IV prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives Federal funds or other Federal financial assistance and IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), the only intergovernmental organization mandated to focus solely on Holocaust-related issues, so with evidence that the scourge of antisemitism is once again on the rise, it is resolved to take a leading role in combating it. IHRA experts determined that in order to begin to address the problem of antisemitism, there must be clarity about what Antisemitism is.

The same goes for Alums for Campus Fairness (ACF), working in partnership with StandWithUs (SWU), an organization that brings together alumni to counter Antisemitism that is affecting far too many American university and college campuses, while also promoting an open and fair dialogue on campus regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict.

American Jews who, for decades, have supported Jewish organizations are being bamboozled. These organizations constantly lie about their efforts to fight Antisemitism in order to raise funds and remain in operation.

One can say, that is why American Jews are where they are today. Attacks on synagogues, Jewish schools and individuals, and loud anti-Semitic tropes resonate.

The prominent Jewish organizations, i.e. Jewish Federations, ADL, AJC and the Reform Movement have failed miserably at fighting Antisemitism. If one watches them closely, they are more like the Leftist Democratic Party front groups, and Antisemitism is not their priority. From time to time it is worth their while to mention Antisemitism, pretending to be tackling the issue in order to raise funds and keep their doors open.

The proverbial Jewish organizations have lost their way and cause. A new direction must be taken in order for progress to be made.

When a leader of an organization that truly fights Antisemitism tells us it is time for a new Jewish civil rights movement, we need to join in the effort. After all, it is the fight of each and every Jew and the fight to have a homeland, Israel.

Protesting Antisemitism in Los Angeles

In her op-ed, Brooke Goldstein points out that Black Lives Matter (BLM) use direct action tactics to gain publicity. They shut down highways, chain their leaders to trains and use other methods to disrupt everyday life for others, to gain the attention they seek and the action to follow it. Multinational corporations have aligned themselves with BLM because they think they understand the long-term economic and social costs if they do not do so.

American Jews cannot sit idly by, otherwise the corporations will assume that Jews don’t care what happens to them. Instead, Jews must be vocal, and show the corporations they have much more to lose by taking a political stance with BLM.

On Monday, September 7, 2020, Labor Day, a new Grassroots civil rights movement, #EndJewHatred, that demands an end to hatred of Jews, protested at The Grove Mall, Los Angeles. The protesters, approximately 100, members of moral small Jewish organizations, showed up to stand up against Jew hatred on campus. They turned out to show USC and its Chair of the Board of Trustees, Rick Caruso, that targeting Jews on campus will not be tolerated.

That is a good start only that 100 people who showed up to protest USC antisemitism practices will not move the needle and end the hate?!

It appears that the main Jewish organizations are not likely to actively demand the change needed to fight Antisemitism on USC campuses. Are they satisfied with the do nothing inactions?

The Democrat Party and the Jews

American Jews are facing a two-fold concern. One, they continue to support the Democrat Party that has become a home to anti-Semites and rejection of Israel’s international stand. The other concern just as of all Americans, the Democrat Party anti-Americanism platform.

Jews who vote for the Democrat Party, in essence support their abuser, a party that in its ranks are Congress members who are solid anti-Semites. The Democrat Party also support Black Lives Matter (BLM) a Marxist-anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, bordering domestic terrorist, organization.

What the Jewish people need right now

Any civil rights movement that has taken place was because those who founded it saw extreme injustice taking place.

Jew-hatred and libeling Jews is humanity’s ancient dysfunction. Most of the world is indifferent to, or ignores, Antisemitism, and some fuel it.

The Jewish People desperately needed a Civil Rights movement. It will take convincing all of American Jews, no matter to what political group they belong to, to join such a grassroots effort.


Sadly, too many Jews refuse to face the dangers coming at them. Jews in Europe, facing life-endangering Antirentism are now leaving the continent.

Hitler will get his wish, a Judenfrei and judenrein, Nazi terms during the Holocaust originated to designate an area to be “cleansed” of Jews, Europe.

When a child in France has to be escorted to school by police, French Jews figured out it was time to leave. Their destination, Israel or the United States.

American Jewry is Jewish safety one before the last fort. The last fort is the state of Israel.

American Jews arrived at this current state of affairs characterized by a total lack of leadership. The Jewish Federation, ADL, AJC (American Jewish Committee) and all-the-time-politics Reform Movement have lost their Jewish value.

It is time to replace these organizations and establish a new umbrella organization that will stand and fight for Jewish causes. That includes full support for The Lawfare Project that protects Jewish civil rights’ equality and fights against Jewish inequity.

If the Jewish people do not become proactive and demand an end to Antisemitism everywhere, remember, Israel is the last fort.

Dereliction of duty by the Jewish organizations and the Jewish community’s apathy can no longer be ignored.

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