
A group of young Black Lives Matters protesters (mostly white) harassed several white diners in Washington, DC, on Monday night for not raising their fists in “solidarity” with BLM. As you can see, here and here and here, several diners raised their hands. But one woman refuses to submit to the mob that surrounds her while yelling at her. There was another woman in a blue sweater, but the exchanges between them and the protestors are inaudible, as it is with the first woman.

Had I been there I would have given them an Italian salute, and shouted back, “BLM is evil. You want trouble? All you get from me is the finger. Come and get it, thugs!”

I see no difference between the raised hands and the disgusting sight of whites kneeling in collective guilt and deference to blacks in Houston (there are several videos of other pleadings from around the country of white shame and forgiveness on the Internet, too many to cite here).  Paying obedience or symbolic agreement and support to thugs who threaten your life is not a guarantee of one’s life. It is not a guarantee of anything. It is nihilism, and destruction for the sake of destruction.

At another restaurant, In another instance a black woman berates a couple having an outside dinner for not raising their hands in support of BLM.

You must ask yourself: Do those who raise their hands to signify support of BLM, do so out of fear of being  harassed, or because they so little value their right to be left alone to enjoy a meal without being brow beaten and verbally accosted by thugs? And don’t want to bother with a physical action? Do they not realize that by raising their hands – out of fear or from just plain expediency – they are sanctioning and tolerating the ongoing wanton destruction and killing  BLM has been responsible for over the past several weeks?

Most people don’t realize the Black Lives Matter” organization is a Marxist anarchist group”, writes Pam Geller.  “BLM will be able to grow as long as our culture tolerates it.”. raising a hand in answer to its demands – or even by just kneeling in humble, disgraceful supplication to it – is thoughtless, heedless, and dangerous. These people may or may not reap the consequences of their “vitune signaling.” But surely others will, who were never asked to raise their hands.

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