The Stunning Gullibility Of ‘Republicans For Biden’

On the eve of the Republican convention, more than two dozen former GOP lawmakers endorsed Joe Biden for president. Trump Derangement Syndrome is spreading faster than COVID-19.

Retired Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake makes his case for supporting Biden by claiming Trump “is not conservative,” that Biden “will approach his constitutional role with the reverence and dignity it deserves” and “reach across the aisle.”

This is the same argument John Kasich, a former congressman and Ohio governor, made at the Democratic National Convention, when he reassured the public that Biden is “respectful” and won’t “turn sharp left” when he gets in office.

None of this makes any sense, yet a growing number of Republicans are buying into it.

First, how do these Republicans know Biden will “reach across the aisle”? They don’t. Their gullibility and naivete are a wonder to behold.

The truth is, there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe Biden would stay in the center.

A Biden win will surely bring with it a Democratic-controlled House and Senate. We already know what will happen next, since it’s happened before. After Bill Clinton ran as a moderate, he immediately veered left upon taking office, raised taxes he’d promised to cut and tried to impose HillaryCare on the nation.

After Barack Obama wooed Republicans with his calm demeanor, his seemingly sensible positions, and the sharp crease in his pants, he spent the first two years imposing ObamaCare and the economy-crushing Dodd-Frank on the nation.

Heck, even Lyndon Johnson, who portrayed Barry Goldwater as a radical in 1964, enacted Medicare, Medicaid and the disaster known as the “Great Society” the first chance he got.

Worse, while Clinton and to a lesser extent Obama positioned themselves as moderates, Biden has swallowed the far left’s agenda hook, line and sinker. As we pointed out in this space more than a month ago:

FiveThirtyEight noted … that “The Pandemic Has Pushed Biden To The Left. How Far Will He Go?”

Around the same time, New York magazine reported that “Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size Presidency.”

One Democratic consultant told The Hill that Biden has moved to the left on issues such as bankruptcy policy and college affordability, and that a Biden win, along with Democrats regaining control of the Senate, “could lead to a New Deal era of progressive policies.”

Biden isn’t trying to hide his plans. They’re right there on his website. Gun bans. Amnesty. Green New Deal. A fantastically large tax hike (and not just on the “rich”). More taxpayer subsidies for college indoctrination factories. An end to right-to-work laws. A fast-track to Bernie Sanders’ single-payer health care. A hard left turn in the courts.

As they always have done, Democrats will seize the opportunity to wed Americans more tightly to the federal government, assured that years later Republicans will be the strongest defenders of these new “vital” programs.

Flake calling Trump not a conservative is particularly rich, given that Trump has done more to advance the conservative agenda – on economics, foreign policy, social issues – than any president, including Ronald Reagan.

In fact, while Republicans like Flake vowed repeatedly that they would overturn ObamaCare the first chance they got, they caved. Now Flake and Co. are trying to run out of town the guy who has consistently fought to get rid of that law.

Job one for Joe will be to undo all of Trump’s successes as quickly as humanly possible.

Even if Biden did try to “reach across the aisle,” does anyone seriously think House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Sen. Chuck Schumer wouldn’t be there to slap his hand away?

One of the worst features of the “Republicans for Biden” contingent, however, is the fact that they are excusing the Democrats’ behavior over the past four years.

Trump may be boorish – the country knew that when it elected him four years ago. But that’s not why Democrats refused to acknowledge his presidency, tried to railroad him on bogus Russia conspiracy charges, and condoned violence against Trump supporters.

Flake and Co. are like Portland’s mayor: They think that by appeasing the mob they will somehow calm it down and get it to see reason.

Should Biden win, the left will be emboldened to apply the same techniques to every other conservative politician, always counting on the Flakes of the world to provide it with cover.

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