What will happen when Biden withdraws from the Presidential Race?


The Democrats’ plan is to shove Former V.P. Joe Biden over the finish line and then use the 447-member Democrat National Committee to pick a new candidate without any voter input at all. This leaves two questions.  Who will rise to the podium and will Democrats sigh with relief?  Or anger?

What will happen when Biden withdraws from the #2020 Election?This year’s Democrat primary can be summed up this way… “in a country made up of midgets, the tallest midget is king.

This year’s crop of Democrat candidates was so devoid of talent, and the media coverage was so biased, that the few candidates with an ounce of sense were quickly dispatched. While the survivors stumbled onward to gain delegates.  At the end of the primary season, we were left with just two aging white guys in the “party of diversity.”

So why did the Democrat Party put the screws to their second-tier candidates to drop out and endorse Biden before “Super Thursday?”

Did they really think Biden could serve as President?

Democrats’ primary goal was simply to stop Bernie.

No other candidates had enough delegate support to defeat him.  Sanders would have had almost no chance of winning the election against Trump in November. Moreover,  his candidacy would have branded the Democrat Party as the Democrat Socialists they really are.

One of those truths the Democrats attempt to keep hidden from the general public. Instead, they usually prefer to pretend to be “compassionate liberals” who “just want the best for the average American.”

However, that means gaining control of political power and keeping it once and for all.  And if by hook or crook, Democrats win #Election2020, we will see them disband the electoral college, tax cuts, a re-growing economy, energy jobs and everything we had gained before COVID-19 struck.  Everything that is generally recovering right now.

Only occasionally do Democrats disclose their plans to “fundamentally change the United States.”

But, as we are seeing with their support of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, their pretending might now be over.

So what were they thinking in their support for Joe Biden, who they know, at best, is clearly not up to the job of being President, and, at worst, is a man with rapidly declining mental faculties?

Democrats first step was to get rid of Bernie and give Biden the nomination.

Next, they will announce their Vice Presidential candidate in an attempt to add some energy to a dismal and dying race.  The Biden campaign is running into a bit of trouble since all of the African-American women they promised to pick from have lots of baggage. After the VP pick, Biden will regretfully admit he has health problems and exit the scene.

The big question is,

“Does the VP nominee automatically become the presidential nominee?”

This issue was discussed extensively in 2016 when Hilary Clinton was in legal jeopardy and Donald Trump was being opposed by the RINO wing of the Republican Party.  Everyone wanted to know what would happen if a nominee dropped out.

A little bit of studying gives us the answer,


According to Elaine C. Kamarck, Senior Fellow in the Governance Studies program and the Director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution, the rules are similar for both parties.  For each, the candidate must first voluntarily withdraw from the race.

This happened with 1972 vice-presidential candidate Tom Eagleton when he withdrew after it was learned he had received treatment for mental illness. (The Thomas Eagleton Affair Haunts Candidates Today)

Will the VP nominee become the Presidential nominee

For the Democrats, since re-convening a national convention is not feasible, (according to their Article Two), the Democratic National Committee decides.  The committee is made up according to the state’s population, so larger states have more say.

Their choice does not have to be the current vice-presidential candidate; it can be absolutely anyone they choose! Could they choose Hillary?

One issue that might be of concern is how the names would be changed on the ballots in each state, especially with those using paper ballots.  But this is less important than you might think, since the electors in the Electoral College have the final say.

They meet in early December and they would be expected to vote for the nominee of the winning party.

So the critical mission for the DNC is to keep Joe locked in his basement until he is officially nominated at the convention, which starts on August 17th.  If he withdraws before then, the decision is up to the convention delegates, and Bernie Sanders holds the lead there.

If they can shove Biden over the finish line, who will they choose?  Michelle Obama?  Hilary?  Oprah?  Pelosi?  It’s all up for grabs and whoever controls the power in the 447 members of the DNC makes the decision.  The only person they can’t nominate is Obama, who is prohibited by the constitution from being president for more than two terms.

It’s very likely that the Central Committee of the Democrat Party actually prefers this solution.  Why bother dealing with all those messy voters with their primaries?  Wouldn’t it just be easier for the DNC to pick the candidates from now on?

In the Democrats’ world, average citizens are stupid and need to be guided in the “right direction.”

Once the elite Party leadership is fully in control they will make all the decisions for the people.


Don Rosenberg is a political consultant for conservative groups and congressional candidates.  In 2015 he worked at the national level for the Ben Carson campaign.


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