It was bound to happen sooner or later, given all the Defund the Police propaganda  in various states and cities. Minneapolis police, in its last hurray, have advised residents to just give criminals what they want tn and to offer no resistance. If there’s violence, the police – what’s left of them – will not respond or offer help. The announcement reads, in part with homilies about their being concerned with “your safety.”

.+ Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet.

= Do as they say, Your safety to most important.. (but not your rights or the sanctity of your life and property).

Suppose the criminals wanted to assault your wife, or kidnap your daughter, and not merely take your purse or wallet? Would you be justified in fighting back?

Barely, If at all. I can see the headline now: Resident arrested and charged with harming and jeopardizing the lives of his “guests.” : Samuel Brown has been charged by the “Publidc Safety Committee” with resisting the desires of “peaceful”  citizens and making an unlawful citizen’s arrest, of brandishing a gun and a knife, and faces a  $199 fine and five years of community service.

It was difficult to write this column, to prevent my disgorging my dinner after I read it. This kind of outrage is common in the UK and is becoming ubiquitous in the U.S.


And now schools are being ordered to fly the BLM flag,  just to make sure you know where you stand (or don’t stand).  You are rightless and will be the subject of carte blanche lawlessness. The criminals will know no limit to their actions, and will know they will have a “free hand” to do whatever they wish. There isn’t much more one can say about this, because the action is so evil and goes beyond the bounds of irrationality and “common” sense. .

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