Who Now Dares to Confront the Left? Peter Smith


“Here’s a quick question: name an institution not now in the hands of the Left? Certainly not universities, the media or public service. And don’t dare cite the police as upholders of one-rule-for-all law and order, not when they’re fining petty violators of social-distance diktats while standing idle as protesters in their tens of thousands ignore the same rules.”

“It is past time to fight back. But where do the leaders come from? Not from senior clerics. Not from the pantywaists who occupy most of the centre-right parliamentary seats; whether here, in the US or elsewhere. We are left with Trump, I believe, as in 1940, when we had only Churchill. But, ignoring the Left, have a look at the way conservative commentators constantly snipe at Trump; white-anting his standing. They can’t give him any credit without including a sanctimonious personal insult, in order to establish their own moral credentials. Talk about cutting off your nose…”

The truth is the enemy of those who practice deceit and who find their anchor not in truth but in an agenda. Whether Christian or not, a decent person wants to live in truth. Personally, I define my conservatism as falling out of my own search for truth – the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Let the chips fall where they may.

Here are some truths, among a much longer list. Admittedly, not logical or tautological, but truths in the sense that they correspond with the facts on the ground as we know them or should know them. Some abiding, some more profound than others; some specific to the moment.

# Christianity was instrumental in the development of Western civilisation and capitalism.

# Western civilisation is without peer.

# Capitalism is the only route to prosperity and freedom.

# Communism leads to impoverishment, despair and despotism.

# Islam inspires fear, discrimination and violence.

# Open borders threaten the integrity of Western civilisation.

# There are only two biological sexes.

# The traditional family is the ideal setting to rear children.

# Gay marriage is an artefact.

# An unborn life is a separate being.

# Cops do not disproportionately kill African-Americans.

# Police, properly constituted, stand between civilised people and thugs.

# Racism is not behind the relative economic disadvantage of black people in Western countries.

# The notion of “white privilege” is a hateful proposition precisely because it keeps people of colour down by making them into victims.

Proclaiming these truths, or just some of them, is extremely prejudicial for many people living within notionally free Western nations. They might be sacked; be cancelled; be shunned; forced to recant. They might even be threatened by physical violence. It is completely understandable that they don’t speak up.

It is less understandable that those charged with upholding our values by speaking the truth exhibit the characteristics of craven appeasers or useful idiots. I am thinking particularly of leading, so-called, centre-right politicians and of Christian clerics – right up to the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Overall, their silence is deafening.

Mind you, sometimes silence is better than the alternative. Not hard to find the great and good in the UK referring to those trying to protect statues from the mob, absent the police, as being “far right” or “fascist.” One of these is Sir Nicholas Soames, former Conservative minister and Winston Churchill’s grandson. He also reportedly condemned the “unspeakable and cowardly” actions of anarchists and far-left activists who had “hijacked” the Black Lives Matter protest movement and defaced Churchill’s statue. How dumb can you get? Brownshirts hijacked by Brownshirts!

Those calling the shots in Black Lives Matter (BLM), in Antifa, in GetUp! in MoveOn and in other Marxist organisations, and also numbers of academics, commentators and journalists sympathetic to their cause, are far from silent or dumb. They know the facts and are not morons. But like their authoritarian Islamist cousins they practice taqiyya. Lying is their second nature and they are not shy about it because they are not called out.

No ordinary person of any decency or sense would buy their bill of goods so they hide its horror behind mindless slogans. And that seems to work among many of those who should be leading the counter charge. It is easy to find so-called conservatives, like Soames, going along with the fiction that protecting black lives is a laudable part of the BLM agenda. In truth, BLM doesn’t give a fig about black lives or anybody’s lives. They are interested in power.

The objective of Marxists is to undermine our peace and security, our traditions, our values, our culture and our economy. Chaos, they believe, furthers their insidious agenda to take power. Bear in mind, there are more ways to gain illegitimate power than through armed insurrection. And chaos? What is chaos but the breakdown of civilised rules of discourse and conduct? And we have already regressed too far down that path.

Public universities and public broadcasting have been taken over by leftist groupthink; as largely, I suspect, have public services. Public-service cities, like Canberra and Washington DC, are shoo-ins for left-wing parties. The defence forces must be wilting under the withering onslaught of political correctness, feminism, transgenderism and the LGBTQ brigade. Police have shown themselves willing to obey instructions to march little old ladies off park benches yet be passive when it comes to controlling Marxist mobs. How hard would it be under the guise of dismantling and reforming the police to end up with the kind of Stasi police force the Left wants?

It is past time to fight back. But where do the leaders come from? Not from senior clerics. Not from the pantywaists who occupy most of the centre-right parliamentary seats; whether here, in the US or elsewhere. We are left with Trump, I believe, as in 1940, when we had only Churchill. But, ignoring the Left, have a look at the way conservative commentators constantly snipe at Trump; white-anting his standing. They can’t give him any credit without including a sanctimonious personal insult, in order to establish their own moral credentials. Talk about cutting off your nose…


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