Terror in the Cradle of Liberty: How Boston Became a Center for Islamic Extremism Ilya Feoktistov

  • https://mailchi.mp/peaceandtolerance/apt-webinar-our-new-book-on-radical-islam-in-new-england?e=c4e6370125
  • How the Muslim Brotherhood obtained a foothold in Boston through an organization called the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB).• How the ISB built the largest mosque in the Northeast to radicalize Boston’s Muslims.

    • How the ISB’s radical leadership defrauded the political and civic leaders of Boston, who accepted the mosque as an authentically moderate Muslim force for good.

    • How Jewish leaders, knowing about the antisemitism of the ISB mosque leaders, decided nevertheless to give the mosque a kosher stamp, giving political cover to the rest of Boston’s civic and political leadership to embrace the mosque.

    • What mosque leaders are preaching to Boston Muslims now, in 2020.

    Ilya and Charles will name names of those Jewish leaders who refuse to tell Boston’s Jews, or anyone else, what they know about the radicals who own and run the mosque. They will show the primary source videos and documents described in Ilya’s book, which expose the extent to which Boston’s leaders have ignored and aided Islamist extremist efforts in the city.

    This willful ignorance has cost the city significantly: Fourteen leaders, donors, and congregants of the Islamic Society of Boston — including the Boston Marathon bombers — are either in prison, awaiting trial, on the run, or dead due to their involvement in Islamic terrorism.

    Ilya based his book on thousands of documents obtained from years of on-the-ground monitoring of the ISB’s activities, from the ISB’s internal financial and governance records subpoenaed during its defamation lawsuit against its critics, and from moderate Boston Muslims who have been fighting against the Muslim Brotherhood’s efforts in Boston even longer than we have.

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