Failing in their three-year coup, the left riots Glenn Beaton

We all know the story. In the first chapter, they transformed the laugh line “I demand a recount” into actual demands for recounts. But the recounts didn’t materially change the vote totals.

Then they asked the Electoral College to defy the will of the people they represented. That, too, didn’t work.

The next chapter was the smear that Trump had colluded with the Russians. But the only collusion they could find in their two-year investigation was the Dems’ own payment of millions of dollars for a fake Russian “dossier” fantasizing that the president – a noted germophobe – engaged in pee-pee sex.

Meanwhile, the outgoing Dem administration used this dossier they knew was fake to get warrants to spy on the incoming Republican administration.

Trump’s approval ratings held steady.

Then there was Ukraine. The corrupt, sleazy, child-support-evading, druggy son of Joe Biden had a sweetheart deal where Ukraine paid him millions. Not for what he did – he did nothing – but because his father was the Vice President of the United States with a lot of influence on America’s policy toward Ukraine.

Trump asked for an investigation into whether Ukraine got its money’s worth. Ah, said the Dems, this time they really had the goods on Trump. They launched an impeachment.

But the Senate acquitted, and Trump’s approval ratings went up.

Then there was the virus. The left didn’t create the virus, but they would if they could.

At first, the Dems and their flying monkeys at the media said Trump was overreacting to the virus by restricting travel. They said he was xenophobic and racist. They said he was just like … oh … let’s see …


Trump was once again “literally Hitler” except not dead, yet. To signal that they themselves were not literally Hitler, the Dems encouraged everyone to get together for big parties to show their love, tolerance and xenophilia despite the impending pandemic.

On the Dems’ show of love and tolerance for the virus, it thrived.

The Dems and the media then pivoted, not very deftly, to the narrative that it was Trump, not they, who had shown such love and tolerance for the virus. They warned that the virus they had embraced with group hugs for the TV cameras just weeks earlier would kill two million Americans.

Because Trump.

They did what they could to fulfill their dire predictions. They injected the virus into hundreds of New York nursing homes, and killed ten thousand elderly residents.

Then the Dems ordered the whole country to kill itself by ceasing and desisting from any business activity. The Dems never really liked business anyway, except they liked the money that businesses paid in taxes and paid to the Dems to buy indulgences for business’s filthy lucre-making.

The Dems were encouraged by Americans’ uncharacteristic compliance with their dictats, were ecstatic about closing the churches, and were relieved that the shut-down was throwing the terrific Trump economy right into the toilet. They naturally wanted more of the same.

As for the people, they enjoyed their phalanx of free time in front of the TV for a while, and definitely enjoyed the free stuff, but with the emergence of spring they grew tired of house arrest.

Trump sided with the people who wanted to get back to work, play and life, and against the left and their media sidekicks who wanted not to work, not to play and not to live, but just to rule.

The Dems and the media warned that Trump’s reopening of the country would produce a “second wave” of the virus. Never mind that the first wave was roughly 95% less than the Dems predicted.

The second wave, as it’s turning out, looks to be approximately 100% less than the left hoped for. Maybe they need another dose of that nursing home strategy.

But even the left is no longer optimistic that the virus will come roaring back. As political allies go, plagues are fickle.

No matter, the left has yet another strategy to beat Trump. Namely, rioting.

For the left, riots are a real riot. They don’t like cops, they don’t like business and they don’t like a booming stock market, especially in an election year.

They’ll attack the cops, loot the businesses for more free stuff and then burn what’s left with the aim of breaking the back of the recovering American economy. They’d rather rule over Venezuela than serve in America.

Besides, rioting is fun for them. It’s free and it reminds them of their youth when they dodged the draft and spat upon soldiers who didn’t.

They recognize that turning a protest into a riot tends to delegitimize the protest. To which they say, “So what?”

Of course, they also say that these riots they instigate, conduct and defend are not their fault. It was Trump who forced them to become criminals, they say, by threatening to arrest them if they did.

Prediction: Trump’s approval ratings will go up again, and he will win reelection handily. At which time the left will riot again. It’s all they have left.

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