If there is a foundation that isn’t corrupt, that isn’t just a way for rich people to lower their tax rate by pretending the foundation is a charity and not simply a way to inflate certain people’s political influence, I don’t believe I’ve heard of it.

The most famous of them are the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Clinton Family Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Foundation and, not satisfied with just one, George Soros has number of them under the umbrella of the Open Society Foundations.

What each of them has in common is none of their missions is to improve life for Americans; in the case of the Clintons, it’s to enrich themselves. With the others, it’s to destroy the sovereignty of nations, particularly the United States, and to bring about a globalist society.

As rotten an idea is that in general terms, it becomes even worse when you realize that, at least so far as Bill Gates is concerned, that society should be overseen by the Communist Party of China.

Gates is one of the richest people in the world, thanks to the Capitalist system. How rich is he? Well, it’s always difficult for people that wealthy to really know because in the time it’s taking me to type this sentence, his fortune has probably grown by several million dollars. But it’s estimated to be $65 billion.

It’s difficult to get one’s brain around a number that huge. Spelled out, it looks like this: 65,000,000,000.

Gates isn’t just a run-of-the-mill capitalist. He’s one who was sued successfully by the U.S. Government under the Sherman Antitrust Act for his monopolistic practices. So it turns out he is one of those vile capitalist pigs the Communists are always complaining about, and yet he is best friends with China’s President Xi Jinping. Talk about your strange bedfellows. But not really so strange when you realize that both men despise America and one of those men would probably give up his first born if it meant his company, Microsoft, would continue to have access to China’s 1.3 billion potential customers. In pursuit of those customers, Gates has already supplied the dictatorship with the latest advances in American technology in order to maintain total surveillance on China’s slave population.

Some people wonder why companies like Microsoft are allowed to maintain their status as politically neutral platforms when they clearly have a left-wing political bias, but unlike, say, the NY Times and the Washington Post, they cannot be sued for libel or for infringing on people’s First Amendment right to free speech.

Wonder no more. Bill Gates is so rich that he could donate $1 million to the campaign of all 535 candidates running for the House and Senate and he’d still have $64,465,000,000! And all 535 of them appreciate that fact.

If you need further proof that this guy is a schmuck, his second best friend is George Soros.

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