Picking a vice president candidate can be a monumental and life and history altering choice. Harry Truman a plain-spoken haberdasher with no significant secondary education became an accidental President upon the death of F.D.R.

In June 1947 he became the first president to address the NAACP. Here are some excerpts from his speech:

“Our immediate task is to remove the last remnants of the barriers which stand between millions of our citizens and their birthright. There is no justifiable reason for discrimination because of ancestry, or religion, or race, or color.”

“We must not tolerate such limitations on the freedom of any of our people and on their enjoyment of basic rights which every citizen in a truly democratic society must possess. Every man should have the right to a decent home, the right to an education, the right to adequate medical care, the right to a worthwhile job, the right to an equal share in making the public decisions through the ballot, and the right to a fair trial in a fair court. We must ensure that these rights — on equal terms — are enjoyed by every citizen. To these principles I pledge my full and continued support.”

He went on to name the first presidential civil rights commission and legislative program and In July 1948 by executive order he desegregated the U.S. armed services.

That was the Democrat party then which inspired so many adherents among all American minorities and now they have the boneheaded “civil rights “rhetoric of  Presidential candidate Biden.  What happened? Rsk

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