Will the bias against Israel at the NY Times ever end?

IN TODAY’S FEATURED ARTICLE“New York Times Claims Israeli Army Is Known for ‘Pioneering Cutting-Edge Ways to Kill People’” (Algemeiner, May 8, printed in full below), Ira Stoll takes on Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief David Halbfinger. Halbfinger’s opening sentence in an article describing how the IDF’s research and development arm is doing good in the wake of the coronavirus went like this:

The Israeli Defense Ministry’s research-and-development arm is best known for pioneering cutting-edge ways to kill people and blow things up, with stealth tanks and sniper drones among its more lethal recent projects. But its latest mission is lifesaving.

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN stated this week that he plans to:

A) Reinstate the immoral and unlawful policy of sending massive amounts of American taxpayer funds to the anti-peace, terrorist Palestinian-Arab regime;

B) Re-open the illegal terrorist PLO mission in Washington, D.C.; and

C) Re-open a separate consulate in Jerusalem for anti-peace Palestinian Arabs.

THE ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA EXPLAINS why we should condemn Biden for these statements, and urge him to retract them: 

It is utterly immoral to fund the PA while it continues to incite hatred and terror, glorifies Jew killers in the media, and names PA schools, streets, government buildings, public squares and sports teams in honor of terrorists… Biden’s proposed payments are moreover partially illegal under the Taylor Force Law (which suspends certain funding to the PA, unless the PA ceases paying for acts of terror);….

The PLO mission…violated the Oslo accords’ prohibition on the PA’s involvement in foreign relations. Oslo provided that “the Council [defined as the Palestinian Authority] will not have powers and responsibilities in the sphere of foreign relations, which sphere includes the establishment abroad of embassies, consulates or other types of foreign missions and posts or permitting their establishment in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, the appointment of or admission of diplomatic and consular staff, and the exercise of diplomatic functions.”…

The PA’s despicable harassment and “lawfare” – bringing spurious charges against Israel at the ICC – and the PA’s longstanding refusal to even start negotiations, warrant bringing strong measures against the PA.  Biden’s plan to instead reward the anti-peace, terrorist PA, by re-opening the PLO office in Washington and a separate Jerusalem consulate, is appalling.  

US AMBASSADOR TO ISRAEL DAVID FRIEDMAN says Washington is preparing to acknowledge an Israeli move to apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and in the Jordan Valley as of July 1. He stated, ‘Applying Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria is Israel’s decision’

I agree. Some do not (see below)…


More than thirty former DEMOCRAT NATIONAL SECURITY OFFICIALS, in a letter to the Democratic National Committee, called for a tougher stance on Israel.

Signees included former Obama administration staffers, such as former Deputy National Security Advisor and Deputy Director of the CIA Avril Haines, and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes. Clinton staffers Martin Indyk, who served as US Ambassador to Israel, and Strobe Talbott, who was deputy secretary of state, also signed the letter.

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