New York Nursing Home Deaths Approach 5,000 Daniel Greenfield

The numbers are going to keep getting worse.

Last month, in 1 in 5 Coronavirus Deaths Could Have Been Prevented by Securing Nursing Homes, I documented some of the scale of the malfeasance in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Virginia, and other parts of the country by Team Lockdown.

In neighboring New York, nearly 1 in 4 coronavirus deaths emerged from nursing homes. Those 3,060 deaths are only part of the story and represent an extremely incomplete picture. The Health Department had battled against releasing the information, claiming that it was protecting the privacy of residents. Even when the people pleading for the release of the information were their own loved ones.

In one facility, 17% of the residents have died. In 5 others, more than 10% are dead.

Governor Cuomo’s Department of Health had issued an order that, “no resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19” and also prohibited requiring testing of returning patients. Sending hospitalized patients with coronavirus to the same mismanaged nursing homes was a death sentence for countless seniors in those facilities.

The Cuomo death toll is now much worse.

New York state is reporting more than 1,700 previously undisclosed deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities as the state faces scrutiny over how it’s protected vulnerable residents during the coronavirus pandemic.

At least 4,813 people have died from COVID-19 in the state’s nursing homes since March 1, according to a tally released by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration late Monday that, for the first time, includes people believed to have been killed by the coronavirus before their diagnoses could be confirmed by a lab test.

Exactly how many nursing home residents have died remains uncertain despite the state’s latest disclosure, as the list doesn’t nursing home residents who were transferred to hospitals before dying.

A lot of the numbers are iffy. But the toll is only going to keep growing. We’ll have excess death estimates, but not true numbers. What is clear though is that people in nursing homes have been dying at previously unheard of rates. That’s due to two decisions made in New York and other blue states to transfer coronavirus patients into nursing homes in order to clear space in hospitals to prepare for an influx that never arrived, and to neglect nursing home safety while trying to shut down everything.

That was the lockdown model. It was the wrong decisions and it’s clearly responsible for much of the coronavirus death toll.

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