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April 2020

Cali Dems Double Down Weaponizing a pandemic to crack down on Americans and hand out cash to illegals. Lloyd Billingsley


“The rapidly expanding COVID-19 pandemic threatens the lives and livelihoods of Californians,” notes veteran journalist Dan Walters of CalMatters, “but it also lays bare some multi-billion-dollar shortcomings in state government finances that have been ignored for decades, despite many warnings.”  The state’s $20 billion “rainy day fund,” for example, will soon be depleted and the state forced to borrow money to remain afloat.

Californians have lost jobs in six of the state’s industry sectors, with more than 500,000 job losses in the first three weeks of March. Unemployment may soon exceed 12.5 percent, worse than during the Great Recession.

“Until further notice,” Edward Ring of the California Globe explains, “California’s economy is in free fall.” Those realities have yet to register with Gov. Gavin Newsom (pictured above), who is handing out $125 million to foreign nationals illegally present in the United States. The illegals will get checks for $500 with a cap of $1,000 per household. As CNN notes, these are people “who’ve broken the law,” but there’s more to it.

People illegally present in the United States use false documents, so the governor and state officials have no idea who is getting the $125 million. It is certain that the false-documented recipients are foreign nationals, so the governor is giving away money with zero compensation from the illegals’ own governments, primarily Mexico. The same applies to the costs of educating and incarcerating the false-documented, and paying for the illegals’ health care.

Covid-19: Not Nearly As Dangerous As You Think A sober look at the facts. Robert J. Shillman, Ph.D.


There is no “urgent crisis” due to Covid-19 that requires a lock-down of citizens. That conclusion is based on the following:

* The probability of dying from the virus in the US is very low: 1.5 out of 10,000.

* The death rate attributed to Covid-19 in the US, which has placed increasing restrictions on people, is about the same as the death rate in Sweden, 2.0 out of 10,000, which has placed very limited restrictions on people.

Read below for objective details that lead to that conclusion:

Sources of Data: I used the most recent data for Covid-19 from the four websites below on 4/24/20.

[1] The Johns Hopkins’ website (for deaths by country…other than in the US).

[2] Worldometers (for deaths in the US).

[3] CDC (for deaths by age).

[4] Wikipedia (for population): The US has a population of 329,064,917, and Sweden has a population of 10,036,379.

Pope Francis Calls for Relaxation of Sanctions Against Iran Once again, the Pope Francis shows where his sympathies lie. Robert Spencer


Throughout his papacy, Pope Francis has again and again shown himself to be an enemy of the West and the Judeo-Christian tradition, and a friend of those who oppose and would destroy them. And so it came as no surprise when the Islamic Republic of Iran’s state-controlled Mehr News Agency reported this week that after receiving an appeal from a senior member of the Academy of Sciences of Iran, Ayatollah Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad, Pope Francis has called for the relaxation of international sanctions against Iran.

The Pope issued his call in the course of his solemn Urbi et Orbi blessing on Easter Sunday, saying: “In light of the present circumstances, may international sanctions be relaxed, since these make it difficult for countries on which they have been imposed to provide adequate support to their citizens.” The Pontiff didn’t say anything about the fact that the Iranian mullahs used the bulk of the billions Barack Obama showered upon them not to improve the economic plight of their people, but to support jihad terror groups worldwide. He was likewise silent about the likelihood that if sanctions were relaxed, the mullahs would probably spend the money on jihad terrorism yet again.

Why is the Pope siding with those who routinely chant “Death to America,” and who likely don’t look kindly upon the Catholic Church, either? One clue may be in the fact that the Pope has given numerous indications that he really does hate the West and the Christian tradition. Some time ago, used the French epic The Song of Roland to issue yet another mea culpa to Muslims, saying: “A scene from The Song of Roland comes to me as a symbol, when the Christians defeat the Muslims and line them up in front of the baptismal font, with one holding a sword. And the Muslims had to choose between baptism or the sword. That is what we Christians did.”

Lessons Unlearned That Have Come Back to Haunt Us A pandemic reveals the collectivist enemy. David Horowitz


As I write this, there are over a quarter of a million recorded deaths from the corona virus and many many more to come. We know now that the virus originated in Wuhan China, probably in its virology lab, and that the Chinese concealed the fact that it was contagious between humans and deadly for weeks. They allowed a Lunar New Year celebration in Wuhan that involved tens of thousands of people, and also permitted 5 million inhabitants of Wuhan to leave the city and spread the virus. Moreover, they permitted hundreds of thousands of Chinese to travel abroad to celebrate the Lunar New Year and infect people in more than 200 countries across the globe.

Whatever one may say about the origin of the virus – it could have been the result of an accident – what cannot be denied is that the cover-up by the Chinese Communist dictatorship was deliberate and calculated, as most likely was its failure to close its borders until the virus was contained. In other words, this was a hostile attack on an innocent world, justified most probably as an effort to protect the Chinese Communist regime. So ferocious is this self-preservation imperative that the regime has launched a global campaign accusing the United States military of creating the virus, a lie so monstrous it is reminiscent of the lies promulgated by the totalitarian regimes of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia.

For almost twenty years since China was admitted to the World Trade Organization in 2001, the Chinese regime has been mistakenly regarded by western leaders as a worthy member of the international community of nations. American leaders have regarded it as worthy of being entrusted with the supply lines of medicines and other health supports vital for survival during a pandemic like this one. Prior to 2001, China was treated as a pariah state, a policy that took root when the Communist Party seized power in Beijing in 1949, and proceeded to murder more than 100 million Chinese in the process of transforming China into a socialist state. China’s 1950 decision to go to war with the United States and prop up another totalitarian regime in North Korea was also a warning to the West to treat China as the hostile power it most self-evidently still is.





It is our task in the Diaspora to bridge the miles and other differences, and mourn along with our fellow Jews in Israel.

Israelis and Zionists around the world will mark Yom Hazikaron this year starting on the evening of April 27. Yom Hazikaron LeHalalei Ma’arakhot Israel ul’Nifge’ei Pe’ulot HaEivah, literally: Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism is Israel’s Memorial Day, and it is not celebrated with barbecues but with tears of ultimate grief. And as so many Israelis mourn for their precious fallen fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, and friends and comrades, it is not the same for Jews outside of Israel.

We may all mourn together on Tisha B’Av and during Yizkor on Yom Kippur, but tragically, it is not the same observing Yom Hazikaron inside the Jewish state as it is anywhere else.

It is our task in the Diaspora to bridge the miles and other differences, and mourn along with our fellow Jews in Israel.

One book to read that may assist you to feel the depth of the loss that so many Israelis feel on Yom Hazikaron is Letters to Talia.

Israeli ‘Micro-Needles’ Ready to Deliver Corona Treatments By Yakir Benzion


This new Israeli nanotech device could drastically reduce the time it takes to inoculate the world when a coronavirus vaccine is ready.

On Tuesday, the developers of cutting-edge Israeli nanotechnology devices announced that their “micro-needles” provide the same results for inoculations, yet use far less vaccine.

The company, NanoPass, is sharing its technology to contribute to the fight against COVID-19 and the search for a coronavirus cure.

The super-thin injection needles made by NanoPass “target immune cells of the skin by harnessing the skin’s potent immune system to improve vaccines,” a company spokesman said. The result is that the vaccine can work more efficiently while dramatically reducing the dose needed to achieve the same immunity.

With teams around the world racing to develop a cure or means to prevent the spread of COVID-19, billions of doses of a new vaccine will be needed. However, producing that much vaccine and administering it could take years, creating a lag during which more people would succumb to the pandemic.

Biden Should Drop Out or Take a Lie Detector Test Roger L. Simon


As I type this, #DropOutBiden and #TaraReade are the No. 1 and No. 2 hashtags, respectively, on Twitter, with over 53,000 tweets for No. 1, moving up rapidly with entries from the right and left. Bernie supporters are particularly outraged.

(By the time you read this, no telling how high it will be, because Kim Jong Un’s life or death may be sneaking into the lead.)

Twitter, for all its pluses and minuses, can be seen as a leading factor in politics the way the stock market is for the economy—so the Democrats and their media minions (who have been notably silent on the Reade matter, almost to the point of mafia-style omertà) should be afraid, very afraid.

The reason for this sudden uproar? The surfacing of Tara Reade’s mother’s alarmed call-in to Larry King’s cable TV show that was contemporaneous with her daughter’s claim of a sexual assault by then-Sen. Joe Biden—an accusation, it should be noted, that is by multiples greater than anything that arose during the highly contentious Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings.

Coronavirus Is Not 20+ Times as Deadly as the Flu Alex Berenson


Wrong both ways, for several reasons.

1/ The flu case fatality rate is calculated off a huge base – 60 million Americans in 2017/18 – and flu deaths may be undercounted for the same reason coronavirus deaths are supposedly undercounted – they mainly occur in old, sick people.

2/ We have a VACCINE for the flu. It is not perfect, but it can sharply reduce infections in some years, and it is generally widely distributed, especially to the people most at risk. That suppresses both the CFR and IFR for the flu.

3/ The 21% NYC antibody figure is likely low, both because it doesn’t foot with plausible figures from other places (generally lower, but in places where deaths have been far lower), and because it takes time for people to develop antibodies, so the figure usually rises anyway.

4/ NYC and NYS seem to have made counterproductive decisions, including heavy ventilator use and sending elderly COVID patients to nursing homes (!). Also, some NYC hospitals faced serious strain in late March (unlike almost anywhere else in the US). Hospital strain is dangerous.

5/ Add all this up, and the COVID death rate will likely settle into the 0.25%-0.4% range (1 in 250 people infected to 1 in 400). Far from 20 times higher than flu. Meanwhile, the median age of death is 78-80. And unlike the flu, #SARSCoV2 is basically not dangerous to children.

6/ As long as supposedly serious people are saying things like coronavirus is 20+ times as deadly as the flu, we’re going to have a hard time getting out of this mess.
Alex Berenson@AlexBerenson
 As long as supposedly serious people are saying things like coronavirus is 20+ times as deadly as the flu, we’re going to have a hard time getting out of this mess.

America Shouldn’t Have to Play by New York Rules A national lockdown is bad medicine and worse politics. By Bret Stephens


In 1976, the artist Saul Steinberg drew a cover for The New Yorker — “View of the World from Ninth Avenue” — that became an instant classic. You know the one: Manhattan heavily in the foreground, the Hudson River, a brownish strip called “Jersey,” the rest of the America vaguely in the distance.

It could almost be a map of the coronavirus epidemic in the United States.

Even now, it is stunning to contemplate the extent to which the country’s Covid-19 crisis is a New York crisis — by which I mean the city itself along with its wider metropolitan area.

As of Friday, there have been more Covid-19 fatalities on Long Island’s Nassau County (population 1.4 million) than in all of California (population 40 million). There have been more fatalities in Westchester County (989) than in Texas (611). The number of Covid deaths per 100,000 residents in New York City (132) is more than 16 times what it is in America’s next largest city, Los Angeles (8). If New York City proper were a state, it would have suffered more fatalities than 41 other states combined.

It isn’t hard to guess why. New York has, by far, the highest population density in the U.S. among cities of 100,000 or more. Commuters crowd trains, office workers crowd elevators, diners crowd restaurants. No other American city has the same kind of jammed pedestrian life as New York — Times Square alone gets 40 million visitors a year — or as many residents packed into high-rises. The city even has a neighborhood called Corona, which, it turns out, has among the highest rates of coronavirus infections.

Consider a thought experiment in which metropolitan New York weren’t just its own state, but its own country. What would the crisis for what remained of America look like, then? In this slightly smaller nation of a little more than 300 million people, the death toll would amount to about 7.5 per 100,000, slightly above Germany’s levels.