In “Truth & Lies,” the young mother of a preschooler learns how public education uses standardized tests, anti-American and anti-Christian curricula, and progressive teachers to turn children into rabidly liberal political activists.

“Government schools are creating socialists and communists out of America’s children with your tax dollars as they pigeonhole children into jobs to fill industry demands and call it education,” reports a “Truth & Lies” press release. “American education has been stolen from parents and local communities and turned over to big government and corporate America.

“Children in today’s federally-controlled government schools are lied to in so many ways and are receiving destructive indoctrination; from gender neutrality to revisionist history, children are taught value systems that go against many parents’ beliefs,” the release continues. “They are not being taught patriotism and about America’s contributions to the world. Instead, America is portrayed as an evil oppressor while communist countries are viewed as superior.”

One need look no further than a typical public school syllabus to know that “education” in government-run schools now goes far beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Maria Biery, writing for The American Conservative in 2017, reported, “One mom took to social media to display her daughter’s fill-in-the-blank vocabulary quiz that sported questions such as, ‘It was difficult for me to [blank] my feeling when I learned that Donald J. Trump had been voted in as our 45th President’ and ‘After reading about President Trump’s immigration ban, I did not realize how [blank] the law can be.’ More parents at an upscale school in Chicago pushed back when the administration sought to have an all-school social justice day with events such as ‘Developing a Positive, Accountable White Activism for Racial Civil Rights.’”

“Truth & Lies” reveals disturbing examples such as these, along with even more reasons why political bureaucrats should not be entrusted with your money, let alone with the task of educating your child.

Let this film show that what we who favor cutting funding to “education” and granting families educational freedom are not “anti-education” or “anti-public schools.” What government-run schools do, in general, isn’t education; at best, it’s wasting money, energy, and resources. At worst, it’s dangerous indoctrination that threatens to destroy the entire identity of the nation our forefathers fought and died to build.