Just as his political prospects are rising, Joe Biden commits the ultimate gaffe By Andrea Widburg


Joe Biden may be the Democrats’ last viable candidate who’s not Bernie the Red, but his forgetting God’s name shows his mental decline steadily getting worse.


…….The same media that destroyed a man of incredible decency, courage, and intelligence are trying to tell us that a man who is visibly crumbling before our eyes is fit to be the president of the United States, the most powerful country in the world. The media are always dishonest and frequently ignorant.

At this point, Biden’s gaffe’s are legion: He often has no idea where he is, he picks fights with audience members, he insults people, he forgets what office he’s seeking, he gets confused when he tries to pander to black people, he imagines that half the country was killed by guns in the last 13 years – and that’s just the shortlist.

On Monday, Joe outdid himself, when he completely forgot what the Declaration of Independence said and ended up calling our creator “the thing,” like some creature out of a Godzilla movie. And no, that’s not the Babylon Bee talking. It’s really Joe Biden:

“My name is Joe Biden, I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate, vote for me on Super Thursday in North South Carolina because we hold these truths to be self-evident all men and women created by the, you know, the thing.”

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