Elitist Bill Kristol Becomes a Democrat Celebration! He no longer belongs with us. Rabbi Aryeh Spero


Here is the announcement that so-called neo-con Bill Kristol has just found solace in the arms of the saintly Democrats: Bill Kristol @Bill Kristol: “Not presumably forever, not perhaps for a day after Nov. 3, 2020…. But for the time being one has to say: We are all Democrats now.”

So, Bill Kristol is now identifying with and preferring the Democrat Party, which promotes the dangerous socialist dystopia; has 120 congressional members endorsing CAIR; is trending in an anti-Israel trajectory; refuses to condemn anti-Semitism in and of itself; accepts ANTIFA; attacks the traditional family and race-baits constantly; condemned our take-out of the foremost jihadist terrorist Soleimani; supports the Iran Deal and the $billions funding the mullahs; pushes for open and unprotected borders; and violated all the bedrock laws of due process in order to nullify the will of the electorate and destroy a President.

Someone lamented that Kristol has a good mind. So, what!; he seems to lack character and has used his mind for the last three years to severely damage our institutions, America itself, and has been a major engine in putting this country through Hell. Good minds are a dime a dozen, but are frightening when used to scheme and plot destruction. Kristol never knew when to stop the destruction he was causing this country.

He originally accused Donald Trump four years ago of not being conservative or pro-Israel. But, Trump has proven to be the most pro-Israel and pro-Jewish President we have ever seen and has implemented and espoused conservatism against greater odds than were faced even by Ronald Reagan, and is doing so with wondrous courage. Yet, Kristol has not been man enough or decent enough to admit that his prognostications about Trump have been shown to be wrong.

When it became apparent almost four years ago that Kristol and his circle would not have influence nor be advisors to Donald Trump they turned against him like a woman scorned. But Trump was right to eschew their advice inasmuch as so much that Kristol & Co. had pushed over the years was disastrous, drained the Treasury, and put too many American military lives in jeopardy and too many American jobs in the ash heap. Trump had a better vision for America than did Kristol and cohorts.

Bill Kristol and his allies are not the first people to have lost a job or a position in life. Nothing lasts forever. But, look how he reacted. He picked up his marbles and decided to work against our elected President, against the Republican Party, and demonstrated that his own ego and his own ambitions and self-regard were more important than continuity, our institutions, or any semblance of loyalty to those of us who have worked so hard for decades in the promotion of Republican and conservative ideals. Kristol did not originate the Coup, but he has fueled those in positions of power to continue the Coup and has undermined that which is more important than he, to wit, America and the American people.

He is politically a spoiled sport, selfish, and self-centered, and he has aligned himself with some unsavory people who none of us would have found acceptable. I suspect that, like many in his circle, he simply could not allow himself to be associated with someone he considers below his “respectability” standard. Such vanity and arrogance!

Besides, let it be said that Donald Trump actually represents some of the greatest characteristics of those things in life that truly matter: in true American fashion he says what he believes; he is forthright; and he believes in protecting people under his responsibility. He loves this country — and puts its people first. He is not a snob. He fights for us. He has an intuitive gut feeling of what works and what will not work that is extraordinary. It is a God given gift. He is not lazy and shares his bounty with others. That might not sell among the academic snobs and the Georgetown social crowd that Kristol admires, but it means something to me and over 100 million other people. We’re darn happy to be living in the Trump era, with Donald Trump at the helm.

President Trump did the miraculous by taking a “country club” Party and turning it into the Party of the average American, the patriot, the tradesman and local businessman, and of the people who respect and love America with all their fiber. In contrast, Kristol belongs with the rest of the elitists, most of whom today are found in the Democrat Party: would-be overlords, cynical trans-nationalists, high-maintenance virtue-signalers, and the self-worshipers.

Kristol thinks he should be a member of the “ruling class”, like the Obamas, who consider themselves above and apart from the people, the “unwashed” below. The jobs of Americans, their livelihood and family dignity can be flushed away, in their mind, for the ersatz free-trade theories and agreements that made the ruling class and their kids wealthy.

I hope that he and Max Boot, David Frum, Jennifer Rubin and the other turncoats never come back to the Republican Party. All four have demonstrated over the last few years a nastiness, pettiness, sarcasm, bitterness, and disregard for former colleagues and the American people. Their egos negate any book learning they may have. Countries are neither built nor sustained by such self-centered, fair-weather players.

Bill Kristol and his pompous entourage are simply swamp creatures, part of the NYC-D.C. axis that imbibe a sense of forever entitlement as prime-time players and movers and shakers. But, no one ever elected them.

The truth is they were never Republicans, simply disillusioned former Democrats who thought they could take over the Republican Party. They thought we’d surrender our outlook and self-respect just to have them in our midst. They fancy themselves “intellectuals” and “better by ‘degrees’”. But, they weren’t conservatives, certainly not in the Russel Kirk sense, though many called themselves neo-cons. It was all a con. They even freaked out at the notion of American nationalism. Kristol has departed and so should with him the phony term neo-conservative.

Rabbi Aryeh Spero is president of Caucus for America; author of Push Back: Reclaiming our American JudeoChristian Spirit and of Why Israel Matters to You, and is a frequent guest on Fox News ands Newsmax.

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