Joe Biden ups the ante in the woke sweepstakes with his latest about transgenderism By Andrea Widburg

Anybody who says Joe Biden isn’t a follower is a stone-cold liar. At the macro level, Biden’s been disavowing his 47-year history in Congress and the White House by moving as hard to the Left as he can. At the macro level, it’s all pander, pander, pander. His latest attempt to out-do his fellow Democrats is his push for peak woke with the all-important transgender lobby, a group that, in a comprehensive 2016 study, was estimated to make up 0.6% of the American population.

To be fair to Joe as he competes in the “most woke on transgender issues” category, he’s already said that one of his top legislative priorities would be to pass the Equality Act which, among other things, forces schools to let biological males compete on girls’ sports teams. That’s woke but the competition has been getting tough.

Elizabeth Warren has long been sounding the transgender horn. Already back in 2017, she was sending out tweets on Transgender Day of Remembrance, something she was careful to do again in 2019 when the Democrat primary was heating up. Warren outdid herself, though, when she got endorsed by Black Womxn, an organization for “all black folks that do not claim male identity,” including “black trans & cis women, gender non-confirming folks and others.” Proving that she had read Black Womxn’s web page, Warren tweeted back, “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.” Who knew?

At the first Democrat primary debate, Julián Castro made his own pitch to the transgender lobby. Castro announced that he was more liberal than “reproductive freedom.” Instead, he was all about “reproductive justice.”

And, you know, what that means is that just because a woman — or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female — is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.

Perhaps it was nerves that made Castro forget that a “transwoman” is, in fact, a man and that no amount of magical thinking, hormones, and slice-and-dice surgery will ever get a man to the point at which he needs an abortion.

Corey Booker also chimed in on transgender issues:

There’s pro-LGBTQ. There’s radically pro-LGBTQ. Then there’s a whole new level of radically ridiculously pro-LGBTQ. That’s where Bookerstands, firmly in that third class.

The level where lines between sanity and insanity blur.

“Nie-phew,” Booker told Maria Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund, in a recent interview reported on, is a “combination of niece and nephew.”

And it’s applied to those who just can’t seem to make up their minds about their sex.

That’s a tough bar to beat but Joe’s willing to try. Enter his newest pronouncement on transgenderism, one made absolutely necessary by the fact that Bernie is moving up on Biden very fast.

“Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights,” the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in a tweet Saturday.

Although Biden didn’t mention Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in his tweet, the statement came as Sanders, also a 2020 Democrat, has faced outrage from left-wingers for touting an endorsement from popular podcast host Joe Rogan.

Rogan, also a comedian and UFC color commentator, has been outspoken against forcing female athletes to compete against biological males.

For Joe to say that society has to disrupt itself completely to accommodate the small number of people with body dysmorphia, so much so that it’s “the civil rights issue of our time,” is a whole new level of crazy and pandering.

Once again, Democrats show that they are not fit to govern. People who believe that they are trapped in the wrong body are to be pitied. They should be treated with the kindness and respect we owe all decent human beings and they cannot be deprived of their core civil rights. However, as a society, we should not be forced to go where the activists demand, which is to re-do society entirely from the ground up, to deny science, and (as we’re hearing more and more often) to engage in institutional child abuse while pretending it’s kindness.

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