Another Bernie supporter is outed as a Marxist with a lust for blood By Andrea Widburg

Last week, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, doing the investigative reporting the media refuses to do when Democrats (or “socialist democrats,” aka Marxists) are involved, uploaded two videos introducing people to Kyle Jurek, a Bernie field organizer in Iowa. Jurek openly supports a communist takeover, dismisses Soviet gulags as mere “re-education camps,” and thinks it would be a fine thing to have similar camps in America for Trump supporters. Jurek also assured the undercover journalist that he was not alone; there are others, he said, who shared his goals.

Bernie never commented on the video nor did his campaign dismiss Jurek.

Today, Project Veritas released a third video proving that Jurek was right when he said he was not an anomaly within the Bernie campaign. Project Veritas’s latest video looks at Martin Weissgerber, a South Carolina Field Organizer for the Sanders Campaign. Weissgerber is a red diaper baby, who boasts about his Belgian father’s participation in the 1968 French civil unrest and bemoans the fact that his mother has to tone down her politics a bit for her work at an NPR affiliate.

Weissgerber is cut from the same cloth as Jurek, for he insists that the gulags weren’t that bad and openly describes himself as a Marxist who wants “anarcho-communism. His big dream is to send all of America’s billionaires to his gulag camps where they can “build roads . . . rebuild our roads, rebuild our dams, rebuild our bridges. Let’s force them,” he says. He thinks it would be an equally good idea for all Republicans to get re-educated too.

Other goals that Weissgerber hopes that Bernie can realize are the dissolution of the American government with a Bernie dictatorship (although he worries that Bernie is not strong enough to make the best of it); the women’s rights the Soviet Union offered (because it was the “most Progressive place to date in the world); and the seizure of all private property for total nationalization.

When it comes to defeating his enemies, Weissgerber doesn’t stop at re-education camps. He wants the guillotine and loves the idea of handling a Russian-designed AK-47. “I’ll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot, and go train. I’m ready for the f***ing revolution…I’m telling you.” It was almost funny to hear this blood-thirsty revolutionary admit he has no idea how to shoot a gun. A poster seemed appropriate:

(Images: YouTube video and Twitter.)

As was the case with Jurek, Weissgerber justifies his revolutionary dreams by claiming it’s the only way to save the world from climate change. He seems unclear on the fact that those countries doing the most to clean up the environment are First World, capitalist, free market countries. Communist countries are amongst the world’s worst polluters.

You really have to watch the video to appreciate Weissgerber’s passionate support for Bernie as the avatar of the Revolution, his complete Marxism, his hatred for the American political system and the American people, and his lust for power and violence:

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