Michael Bloomberg is playing the race card By Andrea Widburg


Mike Bloomberg is not your ordinary Leftist. Yes, he wants gun control, abortion on demand, birth control for school girls, government-controlled education, the end of the coal industry, open borders, and amnesty for illegal aliens — plus, he likes China’s repressive government.

On the other hand, Bloomberg supports strict drug laws (except for pot), opposes social promotion in schools and, in a most un-socialist way, is a fiscal conservative who dislikes high taxes.

Bloomberg can more accurately be described as a despot. A despot is a ruler with unlimited power, which seems to be Bloomberg’s dream. His goal is to micromanage every citizen’s life, right down to how Jewish kids get circumcised and how much salt people can eat. Many of his initiatives have less to do with ideology than with raw power (but always, of course, for the good of the little people).

One thing Bloomberg understands is that, if criminals can get away with little crimes, they’ll start committing bigger crimes until civil society breaks down. Exhibit A for this breakdown in America is San Francisco, followed by Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and every other Leftist-government city that believes it’s racist to police criminals in order to protect law-abiding citizens.

As New York’s mayor, Bloomberg strongly supported “stop-and-frisk,” a policy that allowed police to stop and search anyone they suspected was carrying illegal weapons or drugs. Whether because of racism or because minorities lag economically and therefore are in an economic class more prone to criminal activity, the New York police were stopping and frisking a lot of blacks.

Blacks, therefore, do not like Bloomberg. Back in November, before he officially announced his candidacy, Bloomberg apologized for supporting the stop-and-frisk policy. Blacks were unimpressed. According to a recent poll of 1,088 blacks, when asked about their favorite Democrat candidate, only 4% supported Bloomberg, as opposed to the 48% supporting Biden.

Faced with that news, Bloomberg has gone into pandering overdrive. He’s announcing a $70 billion “Greenwood Initiative,” which he describes in terms making it clear that it’s a form of reparations:

“For hundreds of years, America systematically stole black lives, black freedom and black labor,” Bloomberg will say, according to his prepared remarks. “And the impact of that theft over a period of centuries has meant an enormous loss of wealth for individuals and families, across generations — a kind of compound interest in reverse. Well, it’s past time to say, ‘Enough’ — and to damn well do something about it.”


Bloomberg’s plan, according to details released by his team, focuses on investing in black business and home ownership, which includes “a $70 billion investment in the country’s 100 most disadvantaged neighborhoods.” The money will be controlled by a new White House office, the Neighborhood Equity and Opportunity Office, which will coordinate across federal agencies. The plan provided did not explicitly state the criteria to determine a level of disadvantage beyond being “place-based and evidence-based.” (Emphasis added.)

As you can see, the announcement also shows that Despot Mike again plans, personally, to take care of the little people. Trump has gone the other direction. By working to get the government out of the economy, he has given blacks, Hispanics, and women freedom’s gift of letting them take care of their own well-being.

Buying votes isn’t the only pandering the once fiscally conservative Despot Mike is doing. He’s now woke and is acknowledging his white privilege:

Later in the speech, he is expected to add: “I didn’t know it at the time, but when my parents moved to the house I grew up in, the owners wouldn’t sell to them. They didn’t want a Jewish family in the neighborhood. Luckily for us, our Irish lawyer was willing to buy it and transfer it to my parents. But if my mother and father had been black, we would not have been so lucky.”

In theory, Mini Mike, who hates Trump with a white-hot passion, could easily buy the White House. He’s got operatives all over America to give him an exceptionally well-funded ground game – and he seems saner than most of the other Democrat candidates.

Although Americans may flirt with socialism as an ideology, it’s to be hoped they’ll be less enthused about someone who’s just a little dictator, no matter how well-intentioned he seems. That’s especially true of a charmless, tone-deaf little dictator. This is not to predict that Bloomberg will lose; it’s just hard to imagine he will win.

Having said that, be aware that many believe that Bloomberg’s real goal isn’t the presidency but is, instead, a Democrat majority Congress that will make it impossible for Trump to nominate any future conservative Supreme Court justices. In the upcoming election, don’t just think about the president; think about the down-ballot votes too.

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