Ilhan Omar’s antics now include claiming she can’t hear war talk because of PTSD By Andrea Widburg

President Trump’s decision to kill the terrorist Qassem Soleimani reveals how alienated Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is from America.  Normally, a young woman who was welcomed into this country as a refugee and then ascended to one of the highest offices in the land might show some gratitude for its stand against the same kind of fanaticism that drove her out of her homeland.  Not Omar, though.  She has nothing but disdain.

Omar’s latest anti-American behavior occurred during a press conference on Wednesday, when Omar and Rashida Tlaib were seen laughing and joking as Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) somberly discussed American casualties in the Iraq War.  It was disconcerting to watch Lee state, “We left four thousand plus, maybe even forty four hundred dead, and over sixty thousand who came back injured in some form, and the war never ended” while Omar giggled, then turned to Tlaib, and shared a joke with her:

When it was Omar’s turn at the microphone during the same press conference, she asserted that her responses to President Trump’s strike against Soleimani had triggered her PTSD:

I feel ill a little bit because of everything that is taking place. And I think every time I about … I hear of conversations around war, I find myself being stricken with PTSD. And I find peace knowing that I serve with great activists for peace and people who have shown courage against war.

In response to Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), a veteran, having called her out, Omar responded that she came by her PTSD honestly, thanks to a childhood in Somalia:

The obvious answer, of course, is that if Omar suffers from PTSD such that any mention of war triggers it, leaving her emotionally weak, she should never have entered the race for Congress. She has admitted that she is incapable of handling her job.

But that’s not really what’s going on, and everyone knows it.  What riles Omar is that Trump is taking a firm stance against Iran, the world leader in Islamic terrorism.  From the moment Soleimani was killed, she has issued tweet after tweet railing against Trump and supporting Iran.  In these tweets, she’s revealed her hostility to American norms and her ignorance about the Constitution.

Ilhan began by parroting the Democrat line that killing a terrorist on Iraqi soil was an act of war:

She insulted Trump:

She invoked the 25th Amendment because Trump tweeted, without any further elaboration, that Iran’s cultural sites were targets.

As an aside, Trump’s tweet was bluster, and Trump-watchers know it.  We also understand two other things: First, there’s a difference between Persepolis and a palace the despotic mullahs have built to their own glory.  Second, one of the first things Islamic conquerors do is destroy icons of the culture they conquered (e.g., destroying statuesdestroying ancient ruinsturning churches into mosquesdefiling churches, trying to destroy Jewish civilization in Jerusalem).  Trump was speaking in Islam’s language when he made his threat.

Omar believes that it is Congress’s job to “stop a war.”

A final example of Omar’s political agenda is her outrage over sanctions meant to change Iran’s terrorism policy:

At a hearing last week, Ms. Omar spoke out forcefully against Israel, and the resolution.

“We should condemn in the strongest terms violence that perpetuates the occupation, whether it is perpetuated by Israel, Hamas or individuals,” she said. “But if we are going to condemn violent means of resisting the occupation, we cannot also condemn nonviolent means.”

If nothing else, the last two weeks have revealed Omar for what she is: someone who is ignorant about American institutions, holds maniacal hatred for President Trump, and supports “Death to America” Iran.  Given all that, her PTSD claim rings hollow.

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