Welcome to the Socialist Dominion of Canada Leon Kushner

Here is some news that none of the mainstream media (MSM) feels worthy of news coverage but I certainly feel that it does. Let me know after you read this if you agree or not.

While our national state sponsored broadcaster in Canada, the left winged CBC, has decided that it was of the utmost importance to cut a 10 second cameo appearance of President Trump out of the movie Home Alone 2 (yes folks, that’s why we pay them the big bucks), they failed to report on a high school in Nova Scotia that has for a long time now, posted pictures of some of their heroes (certainly not mine and hopefully not yours): Karl Marx and Che Guevara!

Thanks to my colleague Jeremy Valentine, who lives out east, we are all now privy to what passes as history in our Canadian schools where opinion replaces fact and feelings trump everything.

Despite Jeremy’s numerous attempts to notify the school, the department of education and the mayor of the city of Truro where this school (Cobequid Educational Center) is located, of this terrible ‘mistake’, he’s received no replies to my knowledge.  Worse still, the pictures remain prominently displayed so that children can be brainwashed to think that these men are heroes. I urge you all to contact the school (notice I embedded the link to it above) and let them know what you think of this dreadful practice.

Here are the pictures as they are displayed on the school walls:

Karl Marx the founder of Communism

Che Guevara the man who wrote the book on Guerrilla Warfare

Are these the men that you would want your children to emulate? Karl Marx who came up with a  political idea called ‘Communism’ which helped destroy hundreds of millions of lives?
Or Che Guevara who is idolized over his poems about class struggle while killing political opponents, bringing Russia’s nuclear weapons to Cuba and hanging homosexuals amongst other things? Who is running this school? It wouldn’t surprise me if other schools throughout our glorious country also have posters of similar heroes. After all, if our own Prime Minister praised dictators often enough (like Cuba’s Fidel Castro- Che’s buddy) then why shouldn’t our educational system follow suit?

Our schools are so important. They help shape the minds of our most valuable asset. Our children. It’s been very obvious, to me and others that our schools have been infected with various leftist ideologies like political correctness, virtue signalling and hiding any facts, historical or current which don’t fit their narrative. Look, I couldn’t care less if some people idolize Che, Karl or Hitler. We live in a democracy and people are free to think what they want. But I draw the line about what our children our taught. We all should. These children are going to lead our country one day soon. And if they have been indoctrinated to think that Karl and Che are leaders worth emulating, then we are all in big trouble.

I urge you all to write to the school principal. His name is: William Kaulbach. His email is: kaulbachw@ccrce.ca.  Here is my email to him:

Dear Principal Kaulbach,

It has come to my attention that your school has posters of Karl Marx and Che Guevara. I am sickened by the prospect of children being brainwashed to think that these men are some sort of hero. You should be too. Karl’s idea of communism helped destroy hundreds of millions of lives! Che wrote the book on guerrilla warfare, killed his political opponents and hanged homosexuals while writing poems on class struggle. Is there a shortage of good people that you could have used as heroes for your students to emulate? If you need help on this, I’m here to help.
I urge you to remove these obscene posters immediately. Also to teach your students exactly who these men were and to instruct your students and perhaps your staff (including yourself) about the dangers of communism.


Time to Distance Myself from Faith Goldy

That beautiful, young woman is Faith Goldy. I voted for her to be my mayor of Toronto back in 2014.  Not because I thought John Tory was a bad guy. Because my main concern was that I didn’t want Toronto to become a dangerous place for my children and their children to live as is the case in most cities throughout Europe. As nice a guy that John Tory is, he is a politician first and will endorse anyone who endorses him, even if they are radical Muslims. Since our PM and in fact our country is moving to the politically correct, far left, our immigration system is being used as their political tool. Unvetted, often dangerous and more often racist Muslims from third world dictatorships are invited here at a record pace. And where do they live? Not in the North West Territories. They are moving to the big cities like Toronto. People like John Tory will not protect us from them. I thought Faith Goldy would.

I was attacked by many of my friends for defending her. They called her a racist. A white supremacist  and worse. But until now, most of their arguments were based on hearsay. I recall when Ezra Levant fired her for doing a podcast with a neo-Nazi group. On the surface it didn’t look good. It certainly didn’t sound good. I certainly wouldn’t rush to do it. In fact I wouldn’t give them any credibility by doing that.  But I gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all when someone I respect like Israeli professor Mordechai Kedar did a TV interview with the antisemitic Arab media giant Al Jazeera, not only was he not condemned by people like me, he was applauded. Because he had the courage to debunk their lies, in Arabic, point by point. Although Faith didn’t argue with the affiliate of the white supremacist, the Daily Stormer, she didn’t endorse them either. However she was quite happy to be endorsed by them. 

But after her latest tweet, the other day she said: ‘How long must Jewish journalists whine about Nazis under all our beds while simultaneously earning shekels from scoffing at whites?  Merchants of hypocrisy.’, I have to admit that I made a mistake. 

I loved her when she attended the counter demonstration at the Bnai Brith headquarters in Toronto back in the summer of 2018, when even most Jewish leaders failed to show up to stand up to busloads of Jew hating Muslims, CUPW postal worker union members, Green party members and others. But now I see her as an opportunist. Opportunists can be dangerous. One day they are your best friend, the next day they can be your worst enemy. 

Looking at her tweet, she might have meant to say that it’s not the alt-right who are the biggest threat to Jews and other minorities, it’s the alt-left. If in fact that’s what she meant, she couldn’t have picked a worse way to say it.  Perhaps she also wants to tell her alt-right supporters that she is not in the pocket of wealthy Jews like some on the far left. Okay- maybe. But either way she is either the worst communicator ever (on purpose) or she simply needs to finally come out of the closet and admit that she is a proud white supremacist. As a son of Holocaust survivors, I’m wary of the words that people use when they talk about Jews. Her words certainly invoked many nasty, antisemitic stereotypes. 

I haven’t yet heard any clarification from her on this as yet but either way she’s made her point on a number of occasions. It’s like someone who supports you but is always drunk, they do you more harm than good. I don’t hate her (yet) but it’s time to distance myself from her. I don’t need her or want her on my side. The bottom line is that I don’t trust her and neither should you. Learn from my mistake.


Welcome to Gaza at York University

The other evening an event sponsored by Herut Canada, an unapologetic Zionist organization, brought a handful of IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) reservists to speak on campus at York Univeristy in Toronto. This is their organization: https://onduty.org.il . The hostess, Lauren Isaacs is a student at York who often does presentations on her own or with other students trying to inform the masses about what Israel is, who Israelis are and what they do. They try to dispel the lies emanating from the pro-Palestinian mobs who claim that Israel is an apartheid state, that IDF soldiers kill children, remove organs from prisoners, are occupiers of their land, poison their wells and a host of other insane accusations.

The mission of the IDF reservists is to initiate a dialogue with students (who are ignorant of the facts about Israel and her neighbours) on campuses in the West, along the same lines as Herut Canada and Lauren Isaacs.

Once the event was announced, the intifada mob got wind of it as they always do and used social media to mobilize. They are a well organized group as they have been trained by their benefactors in Iran. (Yes they get funding from terrorists)

Once supporters of the event, like me, heard that the intifada mob were coming to the event in order to disrupt it and stop it as they always do, we planned to attend in order to stop them and to ensure that the event goes on. In my case as soon as I heard about it I sent a tweet to the president of York U, imploring her to do all in her power to keep the event going and the attendees safe despite any security threats.

Myself and 3 of my longtime friends decided to go to show our support and to hear the lecture from these brave IDF reservists. After parking, as we walked closer to the lecture hall, we could hear the screaming and banging. It sounded like a war zone. Megaphones were used, tables were banged upon and then we were confronted with a mass tangle of people trying to go up the stairs to the lecture hall.  There was a lot of pushing and screaming and some punching. Police and security were present and tried to separate the two sides. We eventually were ushered in quickly into the theatre room where we were handed a sheet of rules that included: You agree to be quiet until Q & A time where you will raise your hand in order to ask a question, no weapons or sticks of any kind are allowed, etc.

Within the room, security in the form of police, York security and other under cover Jewish security personnel were placed throughout (not that the IDF reservists really needed them, lol). There were a few minor interruptions when some of the intifada mobsters at random times stood up, raised their Hamas flags and started shouting. They didn’t last long as most of the attendees who got into the room were Jewish or otherwise pro-Israel. They were escorted out in short order. There was a Syrian refugee who stated that he wanted to thank these reservists for saving his family from Syrian persecution in the Golan Heights. You can follow him on Twitter.  His name is Aboud Dandachi.

My friends and I left the lecture a few minutes early. From the high up view on a sort of balcony, we watched the hysterical intifada mob below us. They were about a hundred people or more.  Their leaders were often standing on tables, shouting slogans like ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ or ‘Viva viva Palestina’. You could feel their hatred from a distance.

As we made our way downstairs to exit the building, my short, firecracker female friend asked me if I want to enter the hall with the intifada mob. Without thinking I said yes and in we went. I had my Israeli flag with me of course. I bravely (read stupidly) started walking through the mob and doing a circle. I lost track of my friend as I paraded around the mob with a smile on my face and my flag held high. I think at first the mob was in shock to see an old Jewish guy walking through their mob by himself with an Israeli flag. No one knew I was there and I certainly had no protection. I was also wearing my old martial arts jacket from 30 years ago. I felt a sense of pride and a very uplifting feeling that I cannot describe. I almost made it through before their leader, a woman wearing a kaffiyeh (you can see her yelling in the video clip below), grabbed my flag and tried to rip it from my hands. Before I knew it there were dozens of other people all around me trying to pull the flag away and trying to pull me down. I went crazy and with my adrenaline pumping, fought them all off with the aim of holding on to the flag at all costs. Eventually the wooden spindle broke but I had my flag intact. Out of breath I ran to a nearby, bored security guard and asked if he saw what happened, that they tried to attack me and broke my flag. He didn’t even say a word, just shrugged.

Eventually I found my friends and at first we were going to be escorted out through a back door along with other Jewish attendees including members of the JDL (Jewish Defence League) who were on hand to help ensure that the event took place. The route was under construction and some of us (myself included) complained. It was our event. Why must we be treated like court Jews from medieval times, sneaking out through tunnels. I received the standard answer from the guard: ‘You are free to leave via any exit you want but we can’t guarantee your safety if you leave through the main exit’. I wanted to tell him that it’s your job to protect us, so do your job but I shut my mouth. Eventually we did decide as a group to turn around and leave through the main exit. We left without incident.

Unless you were there, words can’t explain the level of vile hatred we experienced. Many peaceful people who wanted to attend the lecture could not do so or would not do so due to the scare tactics of the intifada mob. York University’s poor planning as to where the lecture would take place and lack of separation between the 2 sides was blatantly obvious. If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video is worth a million. Here is a short clip of the mob that I walked through on my own. I’m sure that G-d had my back. I got out unscathed and feeling proud:


I have been to many demonstration before but none with this intensity. There are many other videos now available on the internet to help you get a picture of what takes place on campus. Here is another good post.  I really did think I was in Gaza or Judea and Samaria (aka West Bank). Aboud, the Syrian refugee agrees. I feel very sorry for the Jewish students on campus who have to endure the intimidation and hate on a daily basis. During the lecture I offered my services to escort any Jewish student who is scared to go to classes. We found out that Hillel (the Jewish student body at York) wanted nothing to do with the lecture and in fact told Jewish students not to attend. Their equivalent group at University of Toronto did the same. They adopted what I call the shtetl mentality of keeping a low profile, hiding their kippot for those religious Jews that wear them in order not to cause any trouble. I understand the concept of not to incite violence. BTW, it is a Jewish concept. We have to weigh whether the benefit is worth the risk. It should be done on a case by case basis. In this case where we bring in people to inform the students at large, Christian, Muslim, Jews, atheists and others who are simply ignorant of the facts in the Middle East and the ongoing fighting there, I absolutely think that we have no choice. We must do it and support others who do. I know that in my case, I feel an even stronger connection to Israel now and to my brothers and sisters who defend Jews throughout the world. I’m sure others who attended did as well. I thank all those who attended and those who spread the word of what Jews  and Israel supporters are facing right here in 2019 in Toronto. The benefits did outweigh the risks!

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