We Must Not Ignore Christian Persecution Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis

We Must Not Ignore Christian Persecution

Editor’s note: The following are remarks delivered on November 26 to the 2nd International Conference on Christian Persecution in Budapest, Hungary. The mission of the event is “to find answers and solutions to the most neglected humanitarian and civilizational crisis of our time.”

Dear Mister President, I am here to say thank you for what you and your government have done to help Christianity. Hungary is the first country within the European Union that has actively promoted Christian based human rights.

This means most and above all, the protection of human life from conception to death. It also means the protection of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, the protection of the family, and of religious freedom.

Hungary is also, one hopes, not the only country in the European Union that has a targeted program to help Christians around the world and especially, Christians from the Middle East.

It is quite frustrating to us that we don’t hear of any such programs in our own rich countries.

The way priorities have shifted is very worrying. No one seems to take the streets for religious freedom and peace anymore.

The West seems to be more worried about global warming and animal life. But where have we come to, if plants and animals are more valued than human beings?

Even the Pope has declared a climate emergency! Of course, we all want to live in a healthy environment, but how can we accept and tolerate the most atrocious artificial proceedings, when it comes to our own species?

What on earth is more unnatural, unhealthy and traumatizing than hormone treatments for egg harvesting in surrogate moms for surrogate children? Or the traumatizing procedures for sex changes? What could possibly be more unnatural or unhealthy to body and soul than ripping babies to pieces to get them out of their mother’s womb? And the horrible practice of euthanasia happening in Europe today? All this while we insist on eating organic food?

We all know which countries have absolutely no problem, even with research seeking to manipulate the human germ line or genome.

This is not organic, this is barbaric, and it is absolutely unacceptable and incompatible with Christian morality. This is another form of Christian persecution.

Hungary, however, is standing up to this. Poland, too. And by sheer miracle, the United States under Donald Trump and Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro have abandoned the culture of death and are also promoting Christian-based human rights. We must hope and pray that other country leaders will take courage and follow their lead.

Long live Hungary and praise our blessed Mother Mary, praise Saint Stephen the patron of this country, and long live President Orban and all the political leaders who have put their career into service to save Christianity.

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