More than 100 tombstones desecrated with antisemitic content in France

DPS Note: 
Comme toujours, the French do a lot of tut-tutting but they never do anything substantive – except to find that every Jew attacker and killer in France (which most often means Muslim) is not brought to justice. I wonder if they’re just scared of the Muslims or if it’s just the usual French anti-Semitism. A combination I think. More and more French Jews know how to say “Let’s get the hell out of Dodge.” And they are doing it. And come to think of it, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley and Ocasio-Cortez (and their innumerable fans) would probably be just fine if it was that way in America. The morning line in Vegas is 8 to 5 that they’re the new face of the Democrat Party. One more generation and Katie bar the door for Jews in America. Yeah. I sound like a slightly tipsy alarmist. I sure hope I am. I don’t drink so tipsy I am not. But try being an overt Jew on most college campuses today. If you don’t know what I mean by that then alarmed you should be.
More than 100 tombstones were daubed with antisemitic text and imagery at a Jewish cemetery in eastern France.
The desecration was discovered Tuesday at the Jewish cemetery of Westhoffen near Strasbourg, the AFP news agency reported, as French lawmakers were scheduled to vote on a resolution about fighting antisemitism.

A spokesperson for the town’s municipality did not specify the nature of the text and images painted on the cemetery.

“I condemn very firmly the despicable antisemitic acts that have once again occurred the region and express my unreserved support of the Jewish community,” Jean-Luc Marx, the prefect of the Bas-Rhin region where Westhoffen is situated, said in a statement.

The National Assembly, the lower house of the French parliament, was scheduled to vote on a draft resolution condemning antisemitism and recommending the government adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of that form of racism.

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