How many cars are there on Mars? by Victor Sharpe

The title of this essay may seem odd at first, but read on and all will be revealed.

When President elect, Barack Obama, chose members of his new administration back in 2008, he selected physicist Steven Chu as energy secretary and Carol Browner to lead a White House council on energy and climate. Ms. Browner had headed the Environmental Protection Agency in the Clinton administration. Mr. Chu was director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a leading advocate of reducing greenhouse gases.

Carol Browner was described as a “neon-green radical” in an early article by Michelle Malkin titled, “The Trouble with Obama’s Energy Czar.” With both Chu and Browner at Obama’s energy helm, the United States was destined to be in a world of trouble, and that too became clear when Obama later uttered the dread words: “I have come to fundamentally transform America.”

Obama’s notorious Cap in Trade policy thankfully died in the Republican controlled Congress. His baleful eight long year term of “fundamentally transforming America” finally ended but, if President Trump loses the general election in 2020 and the Left come to power, a similar and perilous version of a Cap in Trade policy is almost certain to rise from its erstwhile deathbed. It will inevitably saddle the middle class with higher taxes and cause painful job losses to Americans.

The Democrats, ever anxious to redistribute America’s wealth to the developing nations, will adopt loony tunes domestic policies. Just listen to the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, et al.

It was no coincidence that Hillary Clinton, President Obama’s Secretary of State, was calling for the U.S. to donate $100 billion of U.S. taxpayer’s money through the United Nations to developing countries. This while the United States was reeling from growing trillion dollar deficits, courtesy of the Obama regime’s dire economic policies.

A great deal of the present lunacy began when Al Gore, ushered in his revelation that the world is in peril from man-made Global Warming, renamed man-made Climate Change. He took his theory and created a veritable new secular religion, replete with its own priesthood and acolytes in abundance. It is now venerated by multitudes of adoring and unquestioning faithful who cleave to his secular version of Holy Writ, known as ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’

Like so many other beliefs, which labor under original and fundamental error, its believers arrogantly ridicule and treat all doubters as heretics not worthy of consideration. So far there has not been an actual auto da fé (a burning of perceived heretics) but, like the inquisitors who meted them out in the not too distant past, the faith of climate change may yet exact cruel and unusual punishment upon all who refuse to accept its doctrine as infallible. But it has now morphed into pure insanity with the likes of she who I call Occasional Cortex who told usthat our present lifestyle guarantees the end of planet Earth in twelve short years.

Paul Johnson, a British historian who never failed to pierce the veil of deception cloaking so much of our understanding of human foibles, once remarked to a friend who had become a recent convert to the belief in man-made global warming or man-made climate change that, in fact, August, 2008 in England had been remarkably cold and miserable with “… torrential rain, a hailstorm or two, cold, bitter winds and mists.”

His friend agreed that, “… yes, the weather was unprecedented and that England has never had such an August before.” But then, true to all new and fanatical converts, his friend opined with righteous and unassailable conviction that it was “man-made global warming, of course.”

For the believer, the knee jerk reply to questions as to why there is too much sun, or too little sun, or drought, or floods, or freezing cold, or hurricanes and tornadoes is that it is all because of, yes you guessed it, man-made climate change. So there you have it; a ready-made and unshakable dogma that explains away the malevolent cause of weather patterns and natural disasters.

Now untold thousands of children are indoctrinated in public schools to become puerile mouthpieces for the so-called man made climate change cult. They are used and abused by their teachers into marching in the streets while shouting politically contrived slogans. But they know not what they do. Have we not seen throughout history similar mass exploitations of children as occurred among the Hitler youth and the horrifyingly and tragic thirteenth century Children’s Crusade?

In that papal driven nightmare, fervently believing boys and girls were urged to march across Europe on their way to the Holy Land to convert Muslims. But along the way, thousands perished at the hands of bandits or were enslaved while others starved to death or contracted deadly diseases.

So now we have a pernicious dogma and the faux environmentalists are the priests and bishops of man-made climate change and what is now a new secular religion – one allied with that other present day secular religion of liberalism. They vociferously intervene in man’s affairs and brook no disagreement with their creed. They impose decrees, which force governments to implement all manner of policies that further the propagation of the new faith, but beggar the economy.

Yet the climate change doctrine contains little scientific fact, but demands much political action and abject compliance with its rules.

The environmentalists are not swayed any more than the medieval priesthoods were willing to accept that their rigid belief in a flat world was wrong or that the earth went around the sun and not the other way round.

Windmills now dot the landscape. They may not be as picturesque as the old European windmills, and time will tell whether we will be tilting at them with equal frustration as Don Quixote did in his time. Meanwhile millions of our feathered friends die each year as they fly into the revolving blades of these windmills of death.

Paul Johnson suggested that these wind turbines are a grotesquely expensive and inefficient form of energy and added that, “… the new windmills are hideous things, ruining the landscape.” But don’t tell that to the environmental cadres as they promulgate their man-made climate change message and proselytize all who flock to their new faith.

There is an immense peril lurking beneath the words of those faithful worshipers of the new religion. They target the United States and coerce its gullible politicians and the more than favorably inclined leftists who are revealing the increasingly warped face of the Democrat Party. They repeat, ad nauseum, that these are extreme times that require extreme measures.

America must be driven to accept disabling restraints on its economy, they proclaim. First they sermonized, in the seventies, that it was Global Cooling and that a new Ice Age was upon us. Now it is man-made Global Warming, quickly and expediently changed to man-made Climate Change.

If they succeed and come to power in 2020 the United States, the world’s only superpower, will be economically, politically and militarily crippled and no longer able to defend human freedoms around the globe. Our allies will be left vulnerable as the true and growing threat to the peoples of the earth – not bogus man made climate change – but the real and existential threat of resurgent Islamic jihad linked with resurgent Communism (the Red-Green alliance) will emerge stronger and more vicious as America falters.

The fanatics who espouse man-made climate change and global warming should consider the research carried out several years ago by Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at the Russian Academy of Sciences at the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St Petersburg and director of the Russian segment of the International Space Station.

Abdussamatov said that global warming is equally apparent upon the planet Mars as it is upon Earth. The reason was because of “…a long-term increase in solar irradiance, which is heating both Earth and Mars.” In other words it is the activity of the Sun.

Abdussamatov believed then that changes in the sun’s heat output account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it is dwarfed by the increase in solar irradiance,”

Abdussamatov’s work, however, was not well received by other climate scientists. Perhaps those scientists, who are now the bishops of the new religion and, like their medieval predecessors were unwilling to accept ideas or proofs that contradicted their rigidly held dogma, are growing more violent and vindictive towards the skeptics.

Even though some 6,000 eminent scientists around the world have provided contradictory evidence towards the notion of man-made global warming or climate change, the followers of the prophet Gore will have none of it. Perhaps that is why they included the term, climate change, to quickly obfuscate the matter.

The very idea that Mars, just like Earth, warms and cools because of the natural activity of the sun is hardly revelatory or revolutionary. But it makes nonsense of the current and fashionable belief that humanity, because of its reliance upon industry and the internal combustion engine , produces a disastrous effect upon Earth’s climate.

Many environmentalists hate the automobile. They prefer bike paths to new roads and work tirelessly to reduce carbon emissions as if they are exorcists driving out demons. Suddenly C02, which we all breathe out and which, if drastically reduced, leads to the death of oxygen giving plant life, now is treated as almost a poisonous gas.

Simply put, Sun’s radiation patterns are responsible for temperature change, not CO2 levels. Dr. Abdussamatov goes further and suggests that rather than the earth entering a potentially catastrophic global warming phase, he posits that we are in fact entering a new mini-ice age.

In the minds of so many environmentalists the car is one of the main culprits and its eventual disappearance as a gasoline driven machine will, they are convinced, help end man made global warming and save the planet. But banning fossil fuels, fracking, nuclear energy along with cows are on the list of thoseextremists now aspiring to lead the Democrat Party.

If America and much of the West submits to such nonsense it will surely descend rapidly into a not so brave new world. The dubious reliance on alternative forms of energy will inevitably reduce the world’s population through mass starvation. Not a very sanguine prospect!

The Earth was once much warmer than it is today. During the years between the 14th and middle of the 19th centuries a mini ice age occurred and it is no accident that present day ice covered Greenland was indeed a much warmer and greener land able to sustain an agricultural population. Hence its name: Greenland.

During the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods the climate was significantly warmer than today. In fact our present climate is markedly cooler and, as far as I know, there were no carbon emitting automobiles sharing the Earth with the dinosaurs.

Habibullo Abdussamatov pointed out that the sun is overwhelmingly responsible for global warming or global cooling, aka climate change, not only on Earth but on planet Mars. He had added that the polar caps on Mars are displaying a warming trend even though there is no Martian industry or carbon emitting cars on the red planet.

So if the polar caps on Mars as well as on Earth melt because of the sun and not by man-made contributions or cars, a legitimate question could be asked:

How many cars are there on Mars?

©  Victor Sharpe 2019

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